Thursday, August 15, 2019
Developmental psychology Essay
Collate evidence which describes the role of the practitioner in meeting children’s needs. Practitioners can help meet the needs of children by approving the rights of children. For example (UNCRC) United Nations conventions act on the rights of the child. Which allows every child and young person inclusive set of rights. When the practitioners support the rights of children, it will benefit children by meeting their learning needs as all the setting â€Å"complete their rights and needs so all children despite religion, disability and gender have a right to quality of life.† E2: Provide information about current influence on play Different sorts of approaches to play will differ depending on the needs and age of the children involved. Help a child achieve more: is designed to make sure the quality provision of children and young people’s play and learning, no matter their race and situation. It is aimed to support children from birth till 19 and has an impact on all play based provision. Practitioners must carry out the 5 outcomes that are most important to children and young people Be healthy Forest school: A forest school is an innovative educational approach to outdoor play and learning. The philosophy of forest schools is to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through positive outdoor experiences. By participating in engaging, motivating and achievable tasks and activities in a woodland environment each individual has an opportunity to develop. Forest school approaches: Wider range of physical skills that are usually developed indoors An understanding about their own natural and man-made environment E3: Provide information about current influences on the planning and provision of learning opportunities The EYFS covers the first stage of a child’s education and development, from birth to five years old. The principles of the early year’s foundation stage are: Mathematical development – Shape, numbers, measure Creativity development – Imaginative, materials and exploring Understanding the world – World & technology, people and communities Communication and language – Speaking, understanding listening & attention Personal, social and emotional development – Self- confidence, self-awareness, handling behaviour Literacy – Reading & writing The framework of the EYFS describes how early year’s practitioners should work with children and their families to support their learning and improvement. It is necessary in all Ofsted-registered childcare setting, included maintained, non-maintained and independents schools and child-minders. The national curriculum from 5-16 years has set out specific subjects which needs to be completed during the period of time. The main subjects that are a must are English, Maths and Science. The other subjects are selected by children at secondary, the range is P.E, music, drama, , art and ICT. E4: Include examples of different theoretical models of how children play and learn Behaviourists theory is by Skinner which has stages of development: The children will repeat an experience or activity if they gain a positive experience from it. The experiences the children didn’t enjoy they will keep away from it. By doing the above, children will learn trial and error. Social learning theory is Bandura. He believes children learn by looking at the behaviours of adults and others around them, therefore they imitate what they have seen. For example practitioners are role models, who need to encourage children to learn and familiarise to good behaviour. Children learn by getting praised and encouraged by practitioners especially whilst doing an activity as this reassures children to aim higher and learn effectively. E5: Include an explanation of how observations can inform planning to meet children’s needs The practitioners observations of children help to evaluate the progress which children are making â€Å"observations help practitioners to decide where children are in their learning and development and to plan what to do.†Tassoni, P 2007 Practitioners can obtain information like what the child likes and dislikes and practitioners can plan activities according to children’s needs. The importance of confidentiality of information is necessary when the practitioner is observing the child. The observation sheet must be kept in a secure place and the practitioners have no right to discuss the observations to another person except for the child’s co-workers and parents, to ensure safety for the child and family. The practitioner needs to use the policy of Data protection act 1998 to protect personal information of a person. Planning and curriculum requires practitioners to collect information in form of assessments and observation. Making formal assessments Watching children E6: Include TWO examples of information from agencies outside the setting which may contribute to the assessment of learning needs. Health visitor works with NHS to reduce illness from children and support them to stay healthy. They observe the setting they are in and ensure there are in good condition for a child’s learning environment. Also working with parents in a partnership to encourage positive health plans to meet the needs. Examples of what health visitors do: Speech and language therapists help assist children’s needs who have a difficulty with stammer, voice problem, cleft plate and understanding language. By splitting up words into syllables, speech and language therapists support children by helping them improve in their learning and eventually â€Å"the child can develop their speech and language†. E7: Include TWO plans for curriculum activities which show different approaches to planning learning opportunities Date E8: Include information about the important of consulting with parents and others when planning and providing learning opportunities Parents/ carers may have concerns about the safety of their child, and may need to be reassured about activities their child will take part in. By involving the child’s family and practitioners in assessment and in subsequent planning. It can enhance the relationship the practitioners have with the parents/ carers by making them feel valued and included. When parents involve children in assessment it can help to show their strengths and weaknesses. It can enable to plan activities for the child that are pitched at a level for their development stage, therapy making sure that they have experience success and no failure. E9: Provide evidence of current and relevant research throughout the portfolio E2, E3, E4, D1, C1, C2, B1, A E10: Show an understanding of diversity and inclusive practice Practitioners should promote diversity within the nursery setting and celebrate all the different races. Practitioners should provide a safe and supportive learning environment, in which the contribution of all the children and families are valued. Inclusive practice is to organise collaborative classes, extra activities and group activities so all the children can take part in. Children with disabilities or not should be able to take part in activities . E11: Include references and a bibliography Books: Tassoni. P 2007 childcare + education – Pages, 36,321,54,293,97,96 Websites: Videos:
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