Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Airline industry and leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Aircraft industry and administration - Essay Example The aircrafts business is one which continually confronted with impressive worldwide difficulties and rivalry. Continually choppiness in their business conditions leaves the fortunes of these organizations in the possession of worldwide conditions and states of the economy. The co-transformative procedure of industry improvement and authority is clear in a significant number of the aircrafts organizations over the world. Pioneers have assumed the dynamic job of growing new plans of action with the expect to revive and modify the business. The absolute most noteworthy carriers on the planet, for example, the South West Airlines and British Airways have been fruitful in conquering difficult situations and driven towards progress by the activity, energy and eagerness of their initiative groups. It would clarify the general speculations of initiative giving proof from another industry (Gilbert, 2009). Segment 1 Viable authority has been especially answerable for realizing sensational authoritative changes. Notwithstanding, the authority styles and types have contrasted between associations. The most significant ones which merit referencing with regards to bringing out authoritative changes or change of associations are situational administration and possibility hypothesis. As per Bass (1990), situational administration mulls over the pioneers and the adherents just as the circumstance. This is supplemented with the elaboration of the conditions, time and spot also (Martin, 2006, p.45).The principal supporting of situational administration hypothesis is that it doesn't think about any single or best style of authority. It is fairly pertinent to the undertaking to be performed and the most achievement effective of all pioneers is the individuals who can adjust their initiative styles to the requirements of the circumstance.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Nursing Care Delivery Model
Nursing Care Delivery Patient Centered Care and Team Nursing Brittany Saum Pima Medical Institute Jim Follbaum, RN, MSN/Edu seventeenth of May 2012 Care Delivery Nursing is continuous and long lasting, for the attendant and the patient. It isn't restricted to the time spent in the clinic, however follows the medical attendant and patient forever. The medical attendant props the patient up and becomes more acquainted with the patient and the medical caretaker conveys the consideration to the patient. The significance of the manner in which the medical caretaker conveys this consideration to the patient can have a significant effect to the patients remain at the emergency clinic and whether any instructing will be emotional or just overlooked.This paper is an examination between two usually utilized best methods of care conveyance: Patient-Centered Care and Team Nursing. Quiet Centered Care Patient focused consideration is essentially similarly as it sounds, care that puts the patient first. In significantly less difficult terms, quiet focused consideration is a model wherein medical clinic suppliers band together with patients and their families to distinguish and fulfill the full scope of patient needs and inclinations, while all the while supporting the expert and individual yearnings of their staff (Frampton S. Guastello, Brady, Hale, Smith, and Stone, 2011). Understanding focused consideration is the correct consideration, the best consideration and the most practical consideration for that one patient (Peraino, Robert A. MD, FACP, 2008). Points of interest of Patient Centered Care There are numerous favorable circumstances to understanding focused consideration. The primary advantage is congruity of care. Understanding focused consideration likewise expands nursing self-governance. Thus, it helps with connections between the patient and medical caretaker just as the other human services suppliers engaged with the patients care.Patients and families can buil d up a confiding in relationship with the attendant who thusly makes it simpler for the patient to recoup and be more joyful during their stay in the emergency clinic. Understanding focused consideration is by all accounts progressively viable when showing the patient also. It permits the patient and family to be engaged with their social insurance. This makes them additionally willing and agreeable to proceed on their regimens and improve sooner. Inconveniences of Patient Centered Care One drawback of patient focused consideration is cost.The RNs invest energy to do what an unassisted authorized faculty worker can do in this way expanding the expenses. One other impediment is that medical caretaker to quiet proportions must be low so as to guarantee there is sufficient opportunity to meet the patient’s needs. This additionally influences the expenses on the emergency clinic. They require more RNs every day in this way expanding patient’s costs just as the clinics. Gro up Nursing Team nursing care turned out to be progressively well known during the 1950’s. This was an approach to facilitate the lack of medical attendants and to address issues with nursing as it might have been. Group nursing doles out staff into various teams.A group inside this model as a rule comprises of a RN (enrolled nurture), a LPN (authorized down to earth nurture), and a UAP (unlicensed assistive work force), (Zewekh and Claborn, 2009). The group head administers and organizes all the consideration gave by those in the group. The group head is responsible for making assignments for group dependent on client’s necessities and keenness, taking in thought the doled out attendants qualities and shortcomings. Since the group head is answerable for appointing explicit obligations to staff, correspondence among colleagues is a significant piece of this sort of nursing.The assignments are disscussed at start of move and a gathering at end of move is held to summeriz ed care given during the move and questions and remarks about the move can be made now. Favorable circumstances of Team Nursing â€Å"Team nursing advanced as an approach to address the issues with an utilitarian approach,†(Zerwekh and Claborn, 2009). Group nursing is centered around making assignments dependent on client’s needs and the member’s. The group head plans assignments dependent on keenness of customers needs by exploiting medical caretakers strengths.This takes into consideration the customer to have better consideration. One other favorable position ot this sort of nursing is that the customer outstanding task at hand is shared among the colleagues. This makes the work simpler on the entirety of the staff. The outstanding task at hand is shared permitting everybody to work more efficiently. It lessens space for blunder. Inconveniences of Team Nursing The principle drawback or group nursing is that the pioneer is untimately answerable for everybody in the group. They should persistently assess and speak with all individuals from the group to guarantee that everything is running smoothly.Some colleagues may not enjoy this reasoning they are being â€Å"babysat†and non responsible. One of the premise of group nursing is to have bunch gatherings and conversations toward the start of move and end of move. This can be very tedious which can cause issues because of money related limitations being used of extra time. All in all, all nursing model sorts work for various circumstances. They simply should be customized to every individual circumstance. Understanding Centered Nursing and Team Nursing both have everyone’s wellbeing at the top of the priority list, the patient and the nurse.If it works for the circumstance at that point utilize the model considered important to satisfy everybody. There are focal points and disservices to both, and both are required in each medicinal services setting. The choice of which mode l the office will utilize may change, however the objective will consistently be the equivalent, brilliant nursing care. Related article: â€Å"Ati RN Community Health Online Practice 2016 B†ReferencesFrampton, S. B. , and Guastello, S. (2010). Putting Patients First: Patient-Centered Care: More than the Sum of its Parts. American Journal of Nursing , 49-53. Frampton, S. , Guastello, S. , Brady, C. , Hale, M. Smith, S. B. , and Stone, S. (2011). Quiet Centered Care Improvement Guide. Recovered May 15, 2012, from Patient-Centered Care. Organization: http://www. understanding centeredcare. organization/inside/abouttheguide. html Gannett Healthcare Group. (2012, May). Gathering: Team-based consideration works best against hypertension. Recovered May 15, 2012, from Nurse. com: http://news. nurture. com/article/20120515/NATIONAL02/105280003 Nursing Theories. (2012, January). Models of Nursing Care Delivery. Recovered May 15, 2012, from Current Nursing: http://currentnursing. om/nursing_theory/models_of_nursing_care_delivery. html Peraino, Robert A. MD, FACP (2008). Persistent Centered Care. Recovered May 16, 2012, from Patient Centered Care. net: http://patientcenteredcare. net/Weinstock, M. (2010, March). Group †Based Care. Recovered May 16, 2012, from Hospitals and Health Networks: http://www. hhnmag. com/hhnmag_app/jsp/articledisplay. jsp? dcrpath=HHNMAG/Article/information/03MAR2010/1003HHN_FEA_gatefold&domain=HHNMAG Zwewekh and Claborn (2009). Nursing Today, Transitions and Trends sixth release. St. Louis, MO. Saunders Elsevier.
Organizational Behavior Management Concepts free essay sample
He clarifies various manners by which the need to keep moving and observation can be changed. One of those ways is to â€Å"Create an emergency by permitting a money related misfortune, presenting supervisors to significant shortcomings opposite contenders, or permitting blunders to explode as opposed to being revised at the last minute†(P. 44). By breaking down this model we can without much of a stretch perceive how desperation will be raised and discernments change between workers. Representatives begin agonizing over their employer stability when a money related emergency is available. They will at that point need to find out about what is important to bring the budgetary strength over into the organization.If the issue tended to and applied, it will bring employer stability consequently. By permitting administrators to be presented to the major hierarchical shortcomings their condition of criticalness will increment and the view of the association will change. This representation changes employee’s impression of security and industry administration, and the need to keep moving is raised. By and large, a great many people are hesitant to change or adjust to their condition whether it be a workplace or something else. There is in every case some level of vulnerability when given change. A desire to move quickly permits representatives to see the need and the significance of progress. Criticalness must be made and recognitions must be modified inside each division of an association all together for a fruitful beginning to hierarchical change. â€Å"Stage 2, Creating a Guiding Coalition†Kotter’s second step in making change in an association is to make a directing alliance. The models for making a solid directing alliance would involve discovering individuals who have the experience, uprightness and administration aptitudes inside their positions.The employment of the controlling alliance is a basic piece where execution is fundamental all together for authoritative change endeavors to start. The individuals that are driving the endeavors are accountable for making changes that should bring about an increasingly viable association as far as hierarchical quality. This progression can be contrasted with Ivancevich et al. ’s ideas of groups and evolving mentalities. The managing alliance should go about as a synergetic group as depicted by Ivancevich et al. This group ought to be shaped by people who are 100% dedicated and committed towards the objective of authoritative change.He depicts a viable vision to incorporate attributes, for example, being â€Å"ambitious enough to constrain individuals out of agreeable routines†, â€Å"taking preferred position of principal trends†and â€Å"having a specific good power†(P. 79). This idea relates near the objective setting process approach as expressed by Ivancevich et al. Objectives associate straightforwardly to the vision idea. An objective is â€Å"a explicit objective that an individual [organization] is attempting to accomplish; an objective is the objective [vision] of an action†(Ivancevich et al. , 2007, P. 26). Defining a viable objective (vision) that is clear will inspire workers to make a move in the associations wanted course (Kotter, 1996, P. 68). Setting a difficult however feasible objective (vision) will spur representatives to work more earnestly towards the target. Defining objectives or dreams can be an exceptionally persuasive strategy for inspiring representatives to move in the direction of the authoritative change (Ivancevich et al. , 2007, P. 128). Associations that are moving in the direction of progress have gained by this vision setting approach.A change without a viable vision â€Å"or a sensible arrangement can once in a while rouse [motivate] the sort of activity expected to create a significant change†(Kotter, 1996, P. 71). â€Å"Stage 4, Communicating the Change Vision†Kotter’s fourth step towards the hierarchical change is imparting the change vision. In this progression Kotter’s primary center is to convey the vision through activities however much as could be expected inside and out. All through this progression Kotter is centered around feelings and how consistent correspondence (verbal and non-verbal) can influence the employees’ feelings towards grasping the directing coalitions’ vision.Many ideas found in Ivancevich et al. reading material on feelings and correspondence can be contrasted with this progression. This segment will concentrate on the examination between the fourth stage and Ivancevich et al. ’s correspondence process. â€Å"Communication is one of the fundamental procedures that revives a hierarchical structure. †(Ivancevich et al. , 2007, P. 372). This announcement obviously underscores the significance of correspondence. The way where the controlling alliance conveys the vision can either break boundaries or structure more hindrances towards change.The vision ought to be imparted utilizing basic language, â€Å"all language and technobabble must be wiped out. †(Kotter, 1996, P. 90). In disposing of confused language from the vision, clearness is available and the employees’ understanding will increment. Individuals are progressively able to make a move when the message is totally comprehended. On the off chance that there is any trace of disarray, some will request explanations however other won't try to comprehend. The individuals who don’t comprehend may as of now be against change if the vision is made excessively entangled and seems, by all accounts, to be excessively difficult to grasp.The data lavishness and the nonverbal correspondence ideas, unequivocally bolsters Kotter’s fourth stage. Vision can be the best when it is transmitted in various structures (Kotter, 1996, P. 93). These ideas legitimately identify with Ivancevich et al. ’s instructive wealth, which â€Å"refers to the measure of data that can be transmitted or imparted in a compelling manner†(P. 357). It can appear as formal gatherings, casual up close and personal correspondence, notices and e-mails.Communicating the vision through various mediums will make representatives mindful of the message and how significant the change is to the association. The nonverbal correspondence of the vision can be urgent towards making or creating passionate obstructions (P. 354). Kotter alludes to the nonverbal correspondence as showing others how its done. On the off chance that the alliance begins to act and live by the new vision, workers will get a superior comprehension of the change and make greater believability in the coalition’s activities and convictions. â€Å"Stage 5, Empowering a Broad Base Action†Kotter’s fifth step is on engaging a wide base activity.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Global Strategy of Sony Ericsson Essay
In 2001, Sony Ericsson is set up by the Japanese organization Sony (a buyer hardware enterprise) as a fifty-fifty joint endeavor with the Swedish broadcast communications organization Ericsson (a versatile interchanges framework and frameworks business) which offers cell phones, extras and applications. Prior to the merger, its gives skill in portable correspondence, after the merger, its give both the purchaser hardware and substance mastery. In 2011, Sony Ericsson changes their worldwide technique by concentrating more on top of the line cell phones. At similar occasions, Sony Ericsson will concentrate on their key markets, which is including the U.S., Russia, China and Germany. The exchange gives Sony center around very good quality cell phones item incorporates their adornments and application that will prompt gainfulness and the development of its business. Notwithstanding, the organization confronting new difficulties in this powerful evolving condition, forceful rivalry will influence the worldwide piece of the overall industry of the organization and it income. In 2012, Sony Ericsson turns into an end when Sony’s declaration that it will procured 50 percent stake in Sony Ericsson, changed its name to Sony Mobile Communications AB (SMEC) let Sony Ericsson turns into a partnered organization of Sony Corporation (Sony). Sony is a global partnership, one of the most driving brand and its capacities as structuring, fabricating, showcasing mobiles telephones and its extras. With the declaration of securing, it will be a fresh out of the plastic new beginning for Sony Ericsson to set out inside the Sony family, extended their advertising exercises. Sony Ericsson use redistributing for the client association focus is another worldwide methodology. This client connection focus is set up to unravel and meet all client necessities and their issues, and simultaneously lessening their expense for extension.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Learn About Policy International Affairs Graduate Programs at Summerfest 2018 Boston, Washington, D.C. and NYC COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Learn About Policy International Affairs Graduate Programs at Summerfest 2018 Boston, Washington, D.C. and NYC COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog This summer we’ll be joining four other top graduate programs in public policy and international affairs for Summerfest 2018! These mini graduate-school fairs will be in Boston, Washington D.C. and New York City. Representatives from the following graduate programs will be available at each Summerfest to discuss admissions requirements, the application process, financial aid, and more: Columbia Universityâ€" School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) Georgetown Universityâ€" Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service Johns Hopkins Universityâ€" The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Princeton Universityâ€" The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs ?Tufts Universityâ€" The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy If you want to learn about SIPA in-person, you can always visit us at an on-campus event. And this summer and fall, we’ll be traveling globally for graduate school fairs and other events. Until then, I hope youll join all of us at a Summerfest! Summerfest Boston Wednesday, June 20, 2018 | 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University 160 Packard Ave. Medford, MA 02155 *Transportation from Davis Square will be provided. Summerfest Washington, D.C. Wednesday, June 27, 2018 | 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Georgetown University Law Center Gewirz Student Center, 12th Floor 600 New Jersey Ave. Washington, D.C. 20001 Summerfest New York City Wednesday, July 18, 2018 | 6:00 PM 8:00 PM International Affairs Building, Columbia University 420 West 118th Street, Room 1501 New York, NY 10027 Summerfest Washington, D.C. Thursday, July 19, 2018 | 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies 1740 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20036
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Housing Crisis Urban Sprawl Rental Housing Affordability - 1100 Words
Housing Crisis: Urban Sprawl And Rental Housing Affordability (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Course:Instructor:Date:Housing Crisis: Urban sprawl and rental housing affordabilityFrom the time of Stone Age man has had to depend on three essential things or needs: food, clothing and shelter. Thus even in today's world housing or shelter plays a fundamental part in man's living. The housing provides more than just shelter. House is loaded with figurative value or status. It is esteemed for its design, its location, and its access to amenities such as school, hospitals, recreation facilities and so forth. However, inadequate housing increases the weakness to a wide range of troubles such as health problems. Residential location can influence the quality of education because of the access housing provides to the best or worst schools. Also, crime is highly brought about by residential location also called urban sprawl. Moreover, one of the pervasive problems for low-income families is the high cost of housing which continues to escalate as days goes by. This p aper will discuss the context of the housing crisis in America, highlight the planning decisions, social trends that led to the housing crisis. It will then discuss one strategy aimed at assisting in alienating the crisis and the possible barriers to this strategy. Finally, it will suggest how this obstacle will be removed.For many Americans, the reality of housing instability has supplanted the long-standing trope of home ownership and the white picket fence. Wage stagnation, the rise of low-paying jobs and the loss of affordable housing stock have combined to create a market for increasingly unaffordable rentals. In the United States, households are viewed as having excessive housing cost when spending 30% or more of their income, families spending 50% or more of income on housing are identified as severely burdened by housing costs. In 2012, 15.6% of American households have been severely housing cost burdened. Housing cost burdens are highly concentrated in low-income families: among the severely burdened households, 73% of renters and 46% of homeowners earn less than 30% of the area median household income. Besides, it also seems that tenants are more likely to confront housing cost burdens: 24.7% of all renter households spent more than half of their income on housing compared to 10.5% of all homeowners in 2012; nearly 50% of renters and 31% owners spent 30% or more of their income on housing in 2011.Individuals renting are experiencing an increase in rent on housing while their salaries or income remain stagnant. The fact that many affluent renters had purchased homes and the nations widening economic inequality contribute a lot to the diminishing revenues. The shrinking supply of affordable housing is the primary reason for the high rents. Since it is tough to maintain affordable low-income housing without subsidies, many private affordable housing owners choose demolition, rising rents and condominium conversions which would cause the number of inexpe nsive unsubsidized rental units to lag far behind demand. At the same time, federally subsidized public housings are also rapidly reducing because of widespread demolition and conversion of distressed projects to smaller, mix-income developments. Besides, the number of low-income households has also risen dramatically. Finally, the short supply and numerous demands lead to the high price of affordable rental houses.According to what was mentioned above, low-income renters are most vulnerable in housing affordability crisis. So it is the primary task for governments and organizations to solve the housing problems for low-income renters. To ameliorate this crisis, we should first look at the causes of this problem: low income of renters and high rents. Regarding income, it is too complicated to adjust since it relates to many economic aspects. When it comes to the two determining factors of rental price: supply and demand, it might be easier for the government to add supply by promo ting intensive constructions. So it seems that higher-density public housing projects can be a remedial strategy for this problem. However, the experience has already proved that that high-rise public housing projects are entirely failed: the concentration of poverty in these projects not only causes noxious environments for their tenant but also harms cities that surround them. Therefore, we should find another approach to providing more supply of low-cost rental housing without warehousing poor people into high-rise buildings.Low-income renters are most vulnerable to housing affordability crisis. So it is the primary task for governments and organizations to solve the housing problems for low-income renters. To ameliorate this crisis, we should first look at the causes of this problem: low income of renters and high rents. Regarding income, it is too complicated to adjust since it relates to many economic aspects. When it comes to the two determinate factors of rental price: suppl y and demand, it might be easier for the government to add supply by promoting intensive constructions. So it seems that higher-density public housing projects can be a remedial strategy for this problem. However, the experience has already proved that that high-rise public housing projects are entirely failed: the concentration of poverty in these projects not only causes noxious environments for their tenant but also harms cities that surround them. Therefore, we should find another approach to providing more supply of low-cost rental housing without warehousing poor people into high-rise buildingsDifferent Strategies are being used to help alienate the housing crisis and to attract and accommodate multigenerational households. For example, In Arizona, Florida, and a few other states, national homebuilder Lennar has introduced what it calls Next Gen home designs, which market a separate 600- to 800-square-foot section of a single family home as a home with a home. This has a secon d outdoor entrance and includes a small sitting room...
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Financial advising report - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1194 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Introduction This report is going to be a reference for the board of directors in making financing decision on newly projects amounts about pound; 200 million. There are three issues that we have to take a deep look before the board makes the financing decision. Firstly, they are the role that played by capital markets and efficient market hypothesis (EMH) and how important of them. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Financial advising report" essay for you Create order Follow by the different sources of finance that available for our company and identify each of the merits and risks. Lastly is how important of cost of capital to the company and how its implications on capital structure. These are the benefits that the company will gain if the board makes the decision based on this report. The proper choices of sources of finance will make a good financing decision. In the meantime, good financing decisions will lead the company to a better and competitive investment opportunities. This report will align the decisions to the overall company strategies. The role and importance of capital markets Capital markets function as both primary and secondary markets for debt and equity securities. The term primary market refers to the original sale of securities by governments and also corporations. The secondary markets are those in which these securities are bought and sold after the original sale. But in this report we only focus on corporate securities only. There are factors that affect securities buying and selling. Timing and liquidity is the main factors that always affect the company issue share. The company must identify when is the right timing to issue share and the liquidity of the share issues. Segmentation also very important as we must target the potential buyer only we can issue the shares. This require to do a deep market research on who are willing to buy our shares. The course of transaction also very important as we must have a clear direction on it. Capital markets very important to the company as here is the place where they can raise funds when they need it. At here we can raise long term funds that suitable to our project which depends on the duration of the project but of course the company reputation must be good. For example, when Maxis want to re-list their company in Malaysia Bursa they gain a very good response from the public. From that we know that Maxis reputation is positive in public mind. Primary Markets In the primary market transaction, the corporation is the seller, and the transaction raises money for the corporation. Corporations engage two types of primary market transactions; they are public offerings and private placements. Public offering, as the name mentions, it involves selling securities to the general public, whereas a private placement is a negotiated sale involving a specific buyer. By law, public offerings of debt and equity must be registered securities exchange commission (SEC). In Malaysia is Securities Commission Malaysia. Registration requires the firm to disclose a great deal of information before selling any securities. The accounting, legal, and selling costs of public offerings can be considerable. Partly to avoid the various regulatory requirements and the expense of public offerings, debt and equity are often sold privately to large financial institutions such as life insurance companies, mutual funds or banks. Such private placements do not have to be registered with the (SEC) and do not require the involvement of the investment banks that specialise in selling securities to public. Secondary Markets Secondary markets transaction involves one owner or creditor selling to another. Therefore, the secondary markets provide the means for transferring ownership of corporate securities. Although a firm is directly involved only in a primary market transaction when it sells securities to raise fund, the secondary markets are still critical to large company such as listed companies as us. The reason is that investors are much more willing to purchase securities in primary market transaction when they know that those securities can be resold later if they want. Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) asserts that well organised capital markets, like NYSE, are efficient markets, at least as a practical matter. In other words, an advocate of the EMH might argue that although inefficiencies may exists, they are relatively small and not common. If a market is efficient, then there is a very important implication for market participants. All investments in the market are zero NPV investments, Fama (1998). The reason is not complicated. If prices are neither too low nor too high, then the difference between the market value of an investment and its cost is zero; hence the NPV is zero. As a result, in an efficient market, investors get exactly what they pay for when they buy securities, and firms receive exactly what their stocks and bonds are worth when they sell them. What makes a market efficient is competition among investors. Many individuals spend their entire lives trying to find mispriced stocks. For any given stocks, they study what has happened in the past to the stock price and the stocks dividends. They learn the extent possible, what a companys earnings have been, how much the company owes to creditors, what taxes it pays, what businesses it is in, what new investments are planned, how sensitive it is to changes in the economy and so on. If we know more about some company than other investors in the marketplace, we can profit from that knowledge by investing in the companys stock if we have good news and by selling it if we have bad news. In other words, the shares or bonds issues by our company will be successful if only the market is efficient. Otherwise, there will be a failure for us. Forms of Market Efficiency Strong form efficient If the market is strong form efficient, then all information of every kind is reflected in stock prices. Semi-strong form efficiency This form of efficiency is the most controversial. If a market is semi-strong form efficient, then all public information is reflected in the stock price. Weak form efficiency In this form, it suggests that a minimum current price of a stock reflects the stocks own past time prices. Means we got to study past time stock information. Different sources of finance Internal sources Ordinary Share Ordinary share is the foundation of the financial structure of a company and should be the source of most of its long term finance. Since a company is owned by its ordinary shareholders, raising additional finance by issuing new ordinary shares has ownership and control implications which merit careful consideration. Ordinary shareholders are the ultimate bearers of the risk associated with the business activities of the companies they own. This is because an order of precedence governs the distribution of the proceeds of liquidation in the event of a company going out business. The first claims settled are those of secured creditors, like debenture holders and banks, the one who are entitled to receive in full both unpaid interest and the outstanding capital. Then coming to those unsecured creditors such as suppliers. The next claims are the preference shareholders and lastly only come to the ordinary shareholders.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Bipolar Disorder Symptoms, Medical Management, History and Risk Factors - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2563 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/08/12 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Tags: Bipolar Disorder Essay Did you like this example? While studying and researching the progression, signs of symptoms, medical management, history and risk factors, medical interventions, diagnosis, and tests of bipolar disorder, a reader or patient will find some fascinating information about this disorder. This case study will reflect on many factors of bipolarism and will provide great information on prevention and physical therapy for this disease. This study will also address some support resources for this disorder, and talk about coverage of this disease process. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Medical Management, History and Risk Factors" essay for you Create order Bipolar disorder can start out at early stages of life. A person could spend months or even years with this disorder but never have received a diagnosis, or any treatment for this problem. Progression of this disease can be initiated by many factors in life, and symptoms can be very serious if the patient is not diagnosed early in the stages. There are many symptoms of bipolar disorder, and there is also two different types of this disease. The first type of this disease is bipolar one, this is the serious type of disorder because it is the kind where people can be extraordinarily manic, psychotic, or might even need to be hospitalized. In this type of disease, the patients mood will oscillate back and forth from depressions and manias. The second type of bipolarism is bipolar two, also called hypomania. This type of disease is far less severe than bipolar one, but still does not need to be left unheard. A person with bipolar two will have a little bit of mania; they might also have increased energy and decreased need for sleep. If these two types of bipolarism are not treated at early stages, it could lead to serious harm to other people of the even to the patient themselves. Bipolar disorder can be caused by many different things. It could be caused by psychosocial stresses from society, or it can be passed down genetically from previous generations. The progression of this disease is severe enough that we the people should be looking for symptoms from people in our family, friends, and community. We must find these symptoms at early stages to prevent people from committing suicide from progressed depression, or prevent people from hurting others through abuse and other actions. Bipolarism can also progress into dysphoric mania, which is when manic patients become very uncomfortabl e, anxious, or overdriven. It is estimated that two-thirds of women might have dysphoric mania, and if people are using substances or being abused, they are also more likely to become dysphoric over time. Other signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder could be categorized into two different sections of depression, or manic episodes. Symptoms of depression could be diminished interest or pleasure throughout the day, significant weight loss or loss of appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia nearly all day, psychomotor agitation, feeling worthless and always thinking about death. The other side of bipolarism is the manic episodes. This person would have symptoms like inflated self-esteem, feel persistently elevated in their mood, be easily agitated, become more talkative than usual, or have distractibility. There are ways to coping and treating bipolarism. One way is to first get a psychiatrist and get evaluated. Before tests become available, or for urgent reasons, the patient may be prescribed mood stabilizers or other forms of drugs that would treat bipolarism. Once the patient becomes available for testing he/she would have a CT scan or a MRI done. A patient might also have an EEG done for further evaluation. Since bipolarism not only affects the patient, but the family too, it is important that the familys physician and psychiatrist creates an effective and collaborative connection with the family and patient. The family and patient will have many meetings together with their family physician and psychiatrist to further cope and overall get the patient w ell again to be independent and self-driven once again. Once the patient becomes more stable he or she will not need to see the psychiatrist as often, but will still have to meet for follow-ups to view their course of illnesses. In addition, counseling and family therapy are important components of management and may be rendered by the family physician, or psychiatrist. There are many risk factors when it comes to bipolar disorder. It can depend on your genetics, environment, and also your brain structure. There is no one specific risk factor that will make you have bipolarism, but it is the act of many risk factors working together to give you this disorder. Bipolar disorder tends to run within families. Children with a parent or relative that has bipolar disorder are at a greater chance of getting this disease, rather than a child with no bipolarism throughout their family history. It is likely that your genes and the environment have the biggest factor when it comes to your chance of getting bipolar disorder. Sometimes it is the case that a major life change or a traumatic event can trigger bipolarism within a person. An example could be a loss of a loved one, or an onset medical problem. This could lead to major depression which is one of the categories of bipolarism. Drug abuse could also be the reason that a person has bipolarism. An estimated sixty percent of individuals with bipolar disorder are dependent on drugs or alcohol(Herndon). Aslo people with seasonal depression and anxiety disorders also have an increased risk for bipolarism. These types of risk factors show that the environment can have a huge risk of people getting bipolar disorder. Risk factors do not just come from the environment though, it also can come from your brain structure. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission technology (PET) are types of scans that can be used to detect bipolar disorder. These two types of technology can scan your brain to detect if there are any findings that can relate to bipolarism. More research is still being conducted on this technology to see how these findings can specifically impact bipolarism, and what this means for treatment and diagnosis. Diagnosing a patient for bipolar disorder can be a hard thing to do. Doctors have come a long way in fully understanding different moods in this disease, and have also improved in making more accurate diagnoses to patients. Unlike the past, doctors can now distinguish bipolarism from many other disorders, such as unipolar depression or schizophrenia. With the greater acknowledgment of many other disorders today, doctors can now identify signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder, such as bipolar depression, hypomania, and mania. Now with most cases too, doctors can now treat the disorder safely and effectively with bipolar medication. In the medical field today, lab tests, also known as blood tests, cannot specifically determine if a patient has bipolarism or not. In fact, the best way to test for bipolar disorder is to sit down with your doctor and talk face to face about your mood swings, behaviors, or lifestyle habits. Then the doctor can start learning about your personality and dete rmine if you could have bipolarism or not. Most of the time the doctor can determine if you have bipolar disorder by knowing what your symptoms might be. Like if your overall state of health is good, if you are on a good sleeping schedule, and your appetite is appropriate. The doctor might also want to know if you have mood swings throughout the day and if you are depressed a substantial amount of time during the day. In the making of a persons bipolar diagnosis, the psychiatrist will ask questions about the patients family history of bipolarism, mental illnesses, or other mood disorders. Because of the big importance in the genetics of this disease, family history is a huge factor of diagnosing a person with bipolarism. A doctor will put the patient through a couple of tests to see if the patient has bipolar disorder. First, the doctor will ask the patient to fill out a questionnaire or checklist about his or hers daily lifestyles, to help guide the patient through a clinical review of symptoms the patient may have. In, addition the doctor may schedule a blood or urine test for the patient to rule out certain causes or symptoms. The doctor will also run various test to see if the patient is on drugs or alcohol, because people that abuse substances or alcohol are at a higher risk or bipolar disorder than someone that is not. The blood tests will also check for thyroid issues because depression can be directly correlated to bad thyroid function. Overall, the doctor will put a patient through many tests and screenings to determine if the patient may, or may not have bipolar disorder. People might be wondering what they can do as a pre-diagnosis prevention. In other words, the patient may want to know what he or she can do before going to see a doctor before screening and tests. First, it is very helpful to write down the symptoms that the patient is having. Such as if you have a loss of appetite or insomnia, if the patient might be easily triggered by certain things, or if the patient has severe depression. Focus on what you have noticed changes in like mood, sleep, appetite, energy, thinking skills, and social behavior. It might also be useful to have an in-depth look at your family history to see if any relatives, or close family members might have had this disorder or anything close to it, such as depression or manic events. This could also help in prescribing appropriate treatments to try to cure or limit your disease. In addition, a patient might want to bring a close friend or family member to the doctors appointment with them because they might know some s ymptoms that the patient is unaware of. Before a patients visit to the doctor, he or she will want to make a list symptoms and signs that they are currently having like mental and physical health concerns, unusual behaviors, past illnesses, medications, natural dietary supplements, causes of stress, and sleep and lifestyle habits. These are some things that patient might need or be aware of before an appointment for bipolar disorder diagnosis. There are many appropriate interventions for people who have bipolar disorder. The number one method for treating this disorder is medications. There are three main classes of medication for this disease, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics. Typically, while taking some forms of these medications, a person will also be receiving psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is for people usually with depression or other forms of mood disorders. Research has shown that when a person is receiving psychotherapy combined with medication, they have a greater ability to cope with there illnesses rather than not using these treatments combined together. The most widely used drugs for the treatment of bipolar disorder include lithium carbonate and valproic acid (also known as Depakote or generally as Divalproex) (Understanding Bipolar Disorder). Lithium has many contributing factors to treat bipolar disorder. It can reduce mania and prevent the recurrence of depression, also it is often giv en with other medications like mood stabilizers because it is a form of an antidepressant. Overall, medications and psychotherapy are the major factors used to treat people with bipolarism. Many people with bipolar disorder, or someone who may think they have it, will want to know how to treat it using therapy. The best therapy to treat this disease is psychotherapy. There are many subcategories of psychotherapy, such as behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, interpersonal therapy, and social rhythm therapy. Behavioral therapy mainly focuses on stress. Stress is a big part of bipolar disorder, and with a build up of stress could cause a person to lash out or explode in rage or anger. If a therapist can teach a person with bipolarism on how to control their stress, it could prevent a person from having a manic episode. The point of behavioral therapy is to teach a person how to calm themselves, think about the happy things in their life, and control their anger when they feel themselves lashing out at someone or something. Cognitive therapy focuses on controlling a persons mood swings and shifts. If the therapist can teach the patient on how to find their thinking patter ns and what controls their mood, the patient can pick out the happy things in life and control their own mood in a positive attribute. Interpersonal therapy focuses on relationships in the patients life. The therapist will talk to the patient and become familiar with their family members and spouses, and then the therapist can pick out what strains the patients life and what could cause stress or hardships to the patient. Once the therapist can pick out the hardships in the patients life, they can teach the patient how to control their strains in life and overall decrease what or who makes them stressed or depressed. The final psychotherapy category is social rhythm, this category focuses on the patients daily routine in life, and sleep schedule. If a person with bipolarism can get in a life routine, then he or she can decrease their stresses or strains in life. Once a patient with bipolar disorder has been diagnosed and treated, the patient needs to know what needs to be done at home to prevent future episodes and potentially physical lash outs. The first post-op prevention the patient should know is not to stop their medications. Sometimes a patient will skip a dosage or just think they are not useful anymore, but they are still very beneficial to the patients behavioral and cognitive decisions. Another thing the patient should do after diagnosis is to join a support group. A support group can be very beneficial because socialization with other people with bipolarism can decrease your chances of having another manic episode. Talking and hearing stories of other people with bipolarism can really make the patient think about themselves as a whole, and consider what their life purposes are. Another thing a patient post diagnosis should do is find recreational activities, or get active with others. If a person can channel their energy positive ly they can focus on the better purposes of life, and they will have a decreased chance of having depression in their life. Other ways to prevent post complications is finding fun hobbies that you might like doing. Being active and social in life can make a person have a decrease in depression and stress. The final prevention method is to stay focused on your goals. You have to have a want to to manage your bipolarism, it is not just going to be given. The patient must try really hard to cope with stress and depression in life, and find activities that make them feel happy and feel like they are worth something. In conclusion, this study focused on the progression, signs of symptoms, medical management, history and risk factors, medical interventions, diagnosis, and tests of bipolar disorder. This discussion has also reflected on the importance of intervention, the complete disease process, and the physical therapy process of bipolar disorder. Overall, the process of bipolar disorder can very long and stressful, but anybody can get through it with determination, and being focused throughout the whole process of diagnosis and therapy. Being consistent throughout the whole treatment and post-diagnosis is key to having a stress free and manic episode free life.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why I Am Interested Of Taking The Chromatin, Epigenetics,...
â€Å"No man’s knowledge can go beyond his experience†, this statement by John Locke captures the essence of why I am interested in taking the Chromatin, Epigenetics, and Gene Expression course. I have always had a lifelong thirst for knowledge. As a child I was always asking questions about why or how things worked. I would always tinker with things, taking them apart and reassembling them. I questioned pretty much everything and longed to be able to do experiments and find solutions to unanswered questions on my own. In high school, I volunteered, participated in athletics, held leadership roles in several clubs, and also worked part-time. Despite my many extracurricular activities, I never lost my thirst for knowledge and academic success remained my foremost goal. To challenge myself I enrolled in the most advanced courses available and took classes offered from a nearby community college, I graduated with both a high school diploma and an Associate’s Degree. Motivated by my life experiences, I began my collegiate career at Virginia Tech (VT) as a biological sciences major. In short time I decided that I would pursue a dual degree, adding psychology on as another major. It was at VT that I would get my first opportunities to further my experience alongside my knowledge. This experience would come in the form of research. As a freshman I worked in the laboratory of Dr. Karen Brewer. I conducted synthesis, purification and characterization of organometallics and refined key
Affirmative Action Executive Order 11246 Free Essays
The Webster†s New World Dictionary defines affirmative action as â€Å"a policy or program for correcting the effects of discrimination in the employment or education of members of certain groups. †President Lyndon Johnson issued executive Order 11246. This required federal contractors to take â€Å"affirmative action†to increase the number of minorities that they employed. We will write a custom essay sample on Affirmative Action: Executive Order 11246 or any similar topic only for you Order Now President Johnson†s order he put in place has since been twisted and turned around to what it is today. Such twists and turns include the hiring of unqualified workers, the causing of problems for groups it originally set out to help, and the reverse discrimination that results in unfair standards into higher education and the work force. Affirmative action creates an equal opportunity for people in the work force and for students seeking higher education. However, while affirmative action creates equal opportunity to for some individuals, it discriminates against others, primarily white males. Take for example some police forces. If a member of a minority group is hired over a more qualified person and they are forced to be in a situation they cannot handle then that is a major problem of affirmative action. Therefore, affirmative action uses reverse discrimination to solve the problem of discrimination. In â€Å"Assessing Affirmative Action†, an article by Harry Holtzer and David Neumark , says that â€Å"many firms where more likely to hire women and minorities with lesser qualifications, but also to give them remedial training, thus erasing the differences†(Holtzer1). In many cases you see that affirmative action helps most minorities and women but has its obvious drawbacks. In another article by George Gurin, â€Å"Sizing Up Affirmative Action†, he say†s that â€Å"To many colleges and businesses are being almost to open on who they let in and who they don†t only because they are trying too hard†(Gurin3). In my opinion I think that affirmative action is a great thing to have in today†s society, our nations development is credited to many different cultures coming together to form one great one. We will forever have the fight of discrimination, but there is not in my opinion one-way to satisfy everyone. As mentioned earlier affirmative action does hurt some of the people it set out to help. Consider an employer who hires a member of a certain minority group on the basis of skills alone. Many of the employees may automatically assume that the individuals appointment to that job is resulted from affirmative action. Therefore, an employee who does benefit from affirmative action may bear the brand of â€Å"not being the best pick, but the best pick of a limited group(Pasour). †Another part of affirmative action that is commonly brought up is women in the government. In earlier times people wouldn†t even consider having a woman in positions where they would be making decisions for men. In this day they were almost treated like the slaves that they owned. One of the only jobs that women did was to work in factories and low income jobs. Today women hold the top positions in some jobs. Companies are hiring and promoting women the same is they do men. Is this a result of affirmative action? When women were given their rights it was. Today it is easy to see that women are just as qualified as men at what they do. The question of having a woman president is still up for grabs. I think that it will still be a long time before society feels comfortable with a woman controlling their nation. That in it†s self would be another consideration. Would other countries take us seriously and treat us with the same respect they do now. In time affirmative action may be the winner in that a woman president is closer than everyone may think. Another heated issue with affirmative action is the issue of African Americans. America has been a racist country from the start. But as time has passed and people have accepted other races as their own. This was not until recently when people thought like this. In the case of the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), a special admission program setting aside 16 places in the medical school class for disadvantaged students, chiefly racial minorities, violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment and title VI of the civil rights act of 1964(Regents2). All in all today†s society is growing towards the acceptance of different races and minorities. And one stepping-stone to that acceptance is the issue of affirmative action. How to cite Affirmative Action: Executive Order 11246, Papers
Affirmative Action Executive Order 11246 Free Essays
The Webster†s New World Dictionary defines affirmative action as â€Å"a policy or program for correcting the effects of discrimination in the employment or education of members of certain groups. †President Lyndon Johnson issued executive Order 11246. This required federal contractors to take â€Å"affirmative action†to increase the number of minorities that they employed. We will write a custom essay sample on Affirmative Action: Executive Order 11246 or any similar topic only for you Order Now President Johnson†s order he put in place has since been twisted and turned around to what it is today. Such twists and turns include the hiring of unqualified workers, the causing of problems for groups it originally set out to help, and the reverse discrimination that results in unfair standards into higher education and the work force. Affirmative action creates an equal opportunity for people in the work force and for students seeking higher education. However, while affirmative action creates equal opportunity to for some individuals, it discriminates against others, primarily white males. Take for example some police forces. If a member of a minority group is hired over a more qualified person and they are forced to be in a situation they cannot handle then that is a major problem of affirmative action. Therefore, affirmative action uses reverse discrimination to solve the problem of discrimination. In â€Å"Assessing Affirmative Action†, an article by Harry Holtzer and David Neumark , says that â€Å"many firms where more likely to hire women and minorities with lesser qualifications, but also to give them remedial training, thus erasing the differences†(Holtzer1). In many cases you see that affirmative action helps most minorities and women but has its obvious drawbacks. In another article by George Gurin, â€Å"Sizing Up Affirmative Action†, he say†s that â€Å"To many colleges and businesses are being almost to open on who they let in and who they don†t only because they are trying too hard†(Gurin3). In my opinion I think that affirmative action is a great thing to have in today†s society, our nations development is credited to many different cultures coming together to form one great one. We will forever have the fight of discrimination, but there is not in my opinion one-way to satisfy everyone. As mentioned earlier affirmative action does hurt some of the people it set out to help. Consider an employer who hires a member of a certain minority group on the basis of skills alone. Many of the employees may automatically assume that the individuals appointment to that job is resulted from affirmative action. Therefore, an employee who does benefit from affirmative action may bear the brand of â€Å"not being the best pick, but the best pick of a limited group(Pasour). †Another part of affirmative action that is commonly brought up is women in the government. In earlier times people wouldn†t even consider having a woman in positions where they would be making decisions for men. In this day they were almost treated like the slaves that they owned. One of the only jobs that women did was to work in factories and low income jobs. Today women hold the top positions in some jobs. Companies are hiring and promoting women the same is they do men. Is this a result of affirmative action? When women were given their rights it was. Today it is easy to see that women are just as qualified as men at what they do. The question of having a woman president is still up for grabs. I think that it will still be a long time before society feels comfortable with a woman controlling their nation. That in it†s self would be another consideration. Would other countries take us seriously and treat us with the same respect they do now. In time affirmative action may be the winner in that a woman president is closer than everyone may think. Another heated issue with affirmative action is the issue of African Americans. America has been a racist country from the start. But as time has passed and people have accepted other races as their own. This was not until recently when people thought like this. In the case of the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), a special admission program setting aside 16 places in the medical school class for disadvantaged students, chiefly racial minorities, violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment and title VI of the civil rights act of 1964(Regents2). All in all today†s society is growing towards the acceptance of different races and minorities. And one stepping-stone to that acceptance is the issue of affirmative action. How to cite Affirmative Action: Executive Order 11246, Papers
Plants Used For Medicine free essay sample
There are many plants used for medicines and there are many different types of medicines that those are made with. Medical plants can be used in products for antiseptic, fever reduction, pain relief, insect repellent and the list continues on for miles after that. One of these medical plants is the California poppy which is a small yellow flower that is used in a tea for anxiety relief or in a bigger dose pain relief. Another plant has a use I found interesting, Tansy another little yellow flower native to Europe and Asia and if rubbed on a person’s skin it will act as a natural insect repellant. Too bad we don’t have those here in Georgia, imagine it FREE insect repellant everywhere and it probably doesn’t stink too. Moving on, the next plant is Mint, a green leafy plant known for for soothing headaches, stopping nausea, settling the stomach and reducing nervousness and fatigue. We will write a custom essay sample on Plants Used For Medicine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My next plant is the plant that cats go crazy for, Catnip and although it is mostly meant to drive your cat insane it can also help relieve cold symptoms and stop excessive bleeding, go Catnip! Salvia officinalis or also known as Sage is maybe one of the most valuable plants on planet Earth it is anti-flammatory, anti-oxidant, and antifungal, basically it aids in digestion, relieves cramps, reduces diarrhea, stops up phlegm, helps fend off colds, reduces inflammation and swelling, acts as a salve for cuts and burns, and kills bacteria and in most cases can apparently even bring color back to gray hair. This plant is a plant you’d want to know about if you were stranded in the woods. The black berry is next, and I’m not talking about the berry itself but its leaves which can heal and prevent ailments such as dynasty and diarrhea; however the berry is good for you as well, tasty too! There are so many other plants that we use in our medicines and use to treat everyday th ings other than the ones above and many more we have yet to discover their uses but it’s a start.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Traffic jam free essay sample
Traffic jam is very hard to tell about the causes of jam in Dhaka as it does not follow any pattern. It is a common practice in Dhaka to blame rickshaws as the only reason for creating traffic congestion. But in reality there are several of reasons behind this problem. Effective reasons include: Significant increase in population and also in all types of vehicles All of the major export oriented Industries, corporate offices, significant number of Export Promotion Zones, the head offices of almost all Multi-National Companies, higher educational facilities and even the major International Airport of the country, all are located in or around the greater Dhaka city. Thus the city controls the economic development of the whole country. For these reasons, most of the rural-urban migration of Bangladesh is towards Dhaka City and it constitutes about 60% of Dhaka’s increasing population. Dhaka, at present, is one of the top most populous cities of the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Traffic jam or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At present the greater Dhaka has about 10 million population. The city’s urbanization rate is one of the highest of the world and it is projected that by the year 2010, Dhaka will be the sixth largest city of the world with 18 million population. The increasing population obviously increases the demand for more vehicles on the streets. Also they can easily provide the necessary labor force, especially for the informal sector rickshaw pulling. The more the traffic, the more will be the congestion, as the city has very limited infrastructure. Heterogeneous vehicles and inadequate public transport: Dhaka is a city of heterogeneous vehicles. There are both motorized and non-motorized vehicles occupy the same streets at the same time. It is quite difficult to control all these vehicles on the same road as they have different speed capacity. Besides this, public transport system in Dhaka city is not adequate and properly-routed. Most of the rickshaw â€Å"pullers,†or drivers, do not have any training and they are not even aware of the traffic rules. Inadequate and unplanned roads: Dhaka City has very inadequate road networks. For a standard city, where the minimum road requirement is 25%, Dhaka has only 7. 5% road of its total area. 30% of this 7. 5% road is also occupied by the hawkers, salesman and shopkeepers. A significant portion is occupied by construction materials and waste-containers of the City Corporation. As a result, vehicles do not get sufficient space to move on. Traffic Mismanagement: Insufficient number of traffic police and traffic signals, flaws in traffic markings, violation of traffic rules and regulations etc. can also be cited as some of the main reasons for traffic congestion in this city. Some points are discussed here: Violation of Traffic rules and regulations a. There is a lack of education and consciousness among the citizenry about the traffic rules. b. People who come to the city from villages for employment, rickshaw pulling becomes the most easily available job for them. They do not need any formal training to start this profession. In most of the cases, they do not even take a legal license. c. Most of the time, the pedestrians crosses the busy streets even if there is no crosswalk. People do not usually use the over bridges or underpasses, which are constructed in the important and busy intersections of the city. d. The buses do not stop at the bus stops, they stop just at the intersection points, and rickshaws always follow them. As a result, the intersections of the busy roads always remain crowded by the people and different types of vehicles. Insufficient parking arrangement and road blockage: Limited parking arrangement is another major cause of excessive traffic in Dhaka City. It has become a regular practice to park the car on road. Most of the new shopping centers or commercial buildings do not have adequate parking facilities. People have to park on the roads, which ultimately narrow down the effective width of the roads to a great extent. Before the approval, many building projects show that they will provide parking facility in the basement. But after getting the authorization to construct a project, the builders or owners usually do not follow the proposed plan properly. Even during rush hours, people are seen loading and unloading their vehicles on a busy road. City transports also stop here and there without any valid reason. The three major bus stations, Sayedabad, Gabtoli and Mohakhali do not have sufficient capacity to accommodate all the buses operating from here. A recent addition to road blockage is the long queue of vehicles at CNG stations, which is really difficult to overcome. Rail crossing: Every day we are experiencing movement of 74 trains to and from Dhaka. The existing â€Å"intercity rail line†passes through the four important Central Business Districts and a number of important and busy roads of Dhaka City. When a train passes, lots of vehicles have to wait near the rail crossing, which causes serious traffic jam at the interval of every 15 minutes as an average. Political reasons: Every day at least one or two street processions or protests occur in Dhaka because of the all-time political instability of Bangladesh. These processions slow down the traffic flow of the important streets during the peak hour.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Sample Short Essay Questions For World History
Sample Short Essay Questions For World HistoryIf you have spent any time at all studying college essays, you know that the actual writing of a sample short essay is one of the most challenging aspects of college writing. At a minimum, you will want to develop the ability to work within the confines of a paragraph.One of the biggest problems faced by writers is that they find themselves writing about subjects that are too difficult to discuss in a few words, while the topic of World History is easy enough to discuss in an easy-to-read paragraph. The trick lies in coming up with a good topic and then using different paragraphs to explore it further.One of the biggest topics in world history is Communism. To make your essay interesting, there are many questions you can ask. You can ask a question related to a specific action in communist countries, or you can ask about the progress and failures in different communist countries, or you can even talk about what makes communism so successf ul.When you create a sample short essay on Communism, you can go right ahead and write about different areas. What if you were to explain how Communism developed in the Soviet Union? You could also add questions about the failed attempts to overthrow communism, and questions about various theories on how to reform and rehabilitate communism in the future.Since World History is one of the easiest subjects to write about, it's a good idea to make sure that you're constantly writing about new topics, as well as ones that you feel are familiar. Don't be afraid to take on subjects that are unfamiliar to you. In fact, your World History essays should be constantly expanding as your knowledge and experience grows.You can often find examples of how other people have tackled communism by reading through articles written about it. If you do this, you can pick up new words and techniques along the way and practice and improve your writing skills. Eventually, you'll get into a groove, and that' s when you'll start to see results.One of the best ways to learn how to write World History essays is to take a class where you can get some help. Usually the best way to learn how to write essays is to take a class where you don't have to write your own work. Find a class like this that is devoted entirely to World History, and you can learn how to write essays and better analyze written material.You can make World History essays even more interesting by asking yourself a few questions. For example, when you have an essay on Communism, what if you asked yourself questions such as, 'What makes Communism so successful?' and 'How does the status of women in Communism affect its progress?'
Friday, March 27, 2020
A Case Analysis for Occupy Wall Street Movement
A Case Analysis for Occupy Wall Street Movement Introduction The theory of ‘in place’ and ‘out of place’ tends to stratify the society on the basis of the correct placement of each social stratum. These strata could rely on economic affluence, ideologies, gender, race or religion. This phenomenon is an interesting focal point, when examining the instances when geography intersects with social ideologies of a particular setting (Cresswell, 1996).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Case Analysis for Occupy Wall Street Movement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, the societal expectations make individuals behave in a certain manner when he/she occurs in a particular setting, and any consequence that may accompany their defiance is blamed more on the correctness of the place rather than on the explicit nature of the occurrence (Hubbard, Kitchin, Valentine, 2010). This research proposal is designed to look at a situation in the social setting that depicts the society’s correctness in relation to place and how this correctness or incorrectness affects them or the surrounding society in that particular place both explicitly and implicitly. The real time study of Occupy Wall Street Movement was chosen as a phenomenon worth analyzing. It is important to note that the movement can be regarded as an illustration of the power of specific space over specific groups of people. The instance of St. Paul’s Cathedral (London) verifies the assumption that place (or space) can play a very important role in the development of societies. For instance, London protestors decided to express their ideas in immediate proximity to London Stock Exchange (â€Å"St Paul’s Protest†, 2011). Therefore, people’s choice was rather predictable, as they wanted to be heard by their opponents, â€Å"financial sharks†. It is also important to note that they people could not simply occupy areas near the Exch ange as the areas were privately owned. Therefore, protestors had an opportunity to find an ideal public place to express their concerns. Remarkably, the protestors were heard as authorities tried to come to certain agreement. More so, dean of the cathedral had to resign which can be regarded as a manifestation of power of such social movements (Walker, 2011). Admittedly, the fact that the protestors were heard is due to the place they occupied. In that case space (or rather specific place) influenced choices different groups of people made. Purpose of the research The purpose of this research paper is to critically examine the situation upon which the aspects of social expectations with regard to the society’s way of life are related to space. It will cast light on different facets of place away from just the spatial implications. Various instances in which an individual taking a particular social place is expected to behave in a certain way will be analyzed looking at the r eal life occurrences that made the phenomenon explicitly reveal itself in a social setting in a real time.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In attempt to bring out the situation in a more realistic manner and in a way that people can relate with, this research paper focuses on the Occupy Wall Street Movement, a kind of uprising that began in September 2011. Inspired by the uprisings in the Arab world that have been associated with ushering in revolutionary changes in favor of the oppressed majority (Gelder, 2011), the movement was on the forefront in demand for a fair share of equality in economic, social and political arenas. Hence, the argument will be based on whether there is a relationship between the ways in which the protesting behave in airing their demands and places where they gather with reference to the social structure. It is important to note that the present movement provides important insights into the assumption that privatization of public places minimizes people’s control over the development of the societies (Mitchell, 1995). The idea of the movement is that a small group of people accumulates all resources depriving the majority of the citizens from those resources. Ironically, the movement was an illustration of the basic idea. People occupied public places and tried to make their ideas heard. Importantly, authorities tried to make the protestors go even from the public areas (Burns, 2011). Therefore, Mitchell’s concerns about minimization of public control can be rather relevant. Apart from this, the protests in London show that the place does shape people’s behavior. Thus, being in immediate proximity to the cathedral made people more preserved and tolerant. In fact, both sides had to consider their actions thoroughly because of the place chosen by the protestors. Hence, the argument will be based o n whether there is a relationship between the ways in which the protesting behave in airing their demands and places where they gather with reference to the social structure. Background Information Occupy Wall Street abbreviated as OWS is a movement that began in Zuccoti Park in New York on September 17th 2011 after being contrived by Adbuster, an activists group based in Canada. The aim of the protest was to disapprove the prevalence economic disparity among the Americans which led to the emergence of social alienation among the middle class and the poor by the few economically affluent people who were perceived to be in control of the Wall Street Business District. In addition, they strongly opposed the participation of the corporate and financial institutions in the political arena, among other basic social wrongs, such as a high rate of unemployment and corruption that have been associated with difficulties of survival among the majority (Apps, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Case Analysis for Occupy Wall Street Movement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Apps (2011), the strikers considered themselves as the representatives of the majority that were unemployed, homeless and did not enjoy medical and social benefits, while the political elite and their corporate cronies seemed to benefit from the system. Lower Manhattan has not been spared from the rampant riots and uprisings due to its connection with financial system and the economy ( Staff). The overall intent of Occupy Wall Street was connected with those receiving end crossing and wanting to cross barriers, occupy places meant for public use or even to air their dissatisfaction. This approach could be accompanied by possible violence and severe ramifications. The use of social media was seen as a breakthrough on gathering the crowd and circumventing the administration as well spreading their blueprint. L iterature Review Ideological values are a product of social expectations with regard to the conduct in a particular spatial setting (Therborn, 1980). Scholars, such as Goren Therborn (1980), have argued that an ideology could only be considered to be good or bad with regard to the place in which it was taking place rather than time. Hence, it becomes justifiable for someone to judge on the validity of an action basing his argument on the spatial setting upon which the action is taking place. While it is usually unnoticeable when individuals behave normally being â€Å"in place†, it becomes obvious when a person acts â€Å"out of place†because it does not correspond to the expectations of the surrounding society, which may expose the actor to prejudice. Kitchin (1999) also argues that people often see if some individuals or groups do not fit the space occupied. Though the researcher focuses on specific characteristics, the assumption can be applied to various groups ch aracterized by different features. Thus, socio-economic features make people find themselves in different camps. The researcher also dwells upon some issues concerning social justice (Kitchin, 1999). Studies have shown that social injustices are characterized by distinct spatial settings which are exhibited through the control and domination of space by one group of people. When the word injustice is used, unfair treatment comes in mind and is more inclined to the issue of social morality (Smith, 1994).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This implies that people who are oppressed by an economic or political system are more likely to be found in a certain locality away from their oppressors. In order for them to have their outcry given attention, they tend to move to the localities in which they believe they will catch the attention of the oppressors. Such was the case of Occupy Wall Street Movement. Problem statement The problem statement for the research paper is to critically analyze the Occupy Wall Street Movement and determine whether there is(are) any instance(s) the behavior and actions of the protestors intersect with place. The research will examine the interaction between the actions of the protestors and the place in which they decided to camp; whether they were in place to do so or they were out of place. Significance of the problem Zuccoti Park is a privately owned park that is accessible to the public. It was designed for recreational purpose, but on September 17th, 2011, people with absolutely differen t agenda started trickling in the park to protest against the Wall Street system. Thus, these people did not behave with respect to the expectations of the general public and the owners, too. Hence, they were viewed to have taken their motives out of place. The NYPD was not in the capacity to install a curfew in the park to avert the strikers from being there though it seemed to be an appropriate intervention. If the park was not privately owned, the police could have used every means at their disposal to avert the entry into the park. This is because the strikers were not intending to use it in the way prescribed by the common law. If the protesters had decided to air their protests at their homes, possibly, nobody could have noticed it. In addition, there were reported cases of theft of mobile phones and laptops among the protesters who claimed to receive police protection. In some instances, cases of sexual harassment started leaking into the press that led to setting up of tents exclusively meant for female protesters. Some cases of violence went unreported with the police blaming the strikers of infusing â€Å"three strikes policy†which discouraged the victims from reporting any physical violence inflicted upon them until the offender performed the same violence in three different occasions. The protesters claimed the police tell them to deal with their own tribulations or go back to their homes. Thus, this case presents a credible illustration of people acting out of place which draws attention from various actions. These people were denied some basic rights by the police on the claims that they were not supposed to use the park for that purpose. Various evils were inflicted upon them, which looked justifiable in the eyes of the offenders; after all they were not supposed to have camped there. Thus, it is important to take a closer look at the movement in the context of space. It is important to reveal the correlation between the exact place and people’s actions. Crang and Thrift (2000) point out that space cannot be separated from social context and vice versa. Therefore, the movement can be analyzed in terms of socio-spatial context. It can be important to understand the choices people made, and how the places chosen affected the way people acted. Apart from this, it is essential to analyze the outcomes of the protests. It is important to understand whether the place chosen helped protestors to achieve their aims or not. It is also necessary to trace the development of the protestors’ ideas and the development of the movement itself. This analysis can help to more deeply understand the role of place in the development of societies. The precise movement can provide insights into socio-spatial processes that take place in the societies. References Apps, P. (2011, October 11). Wall Street action part of global Arab Spring? Reuters. Retrieved from treet-action-part-of-global-arab-spring-idUSLNE79A03Z20111011 Burns, J.F. (2011, October 30). ‘Occupy’ protest at St. Paul’s cathedral in London divides church. The New York Times. Retrieved from Cresswell, T. (1996). In Place/Out of Place: Geography, Ideology, and Transgression. Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press. Gelder, S.V. (2011). How occupy Wall Street changes everything. In S.V. Gelder Staff of Yes! Magazine (Eds.), This changes everything: occupy wall street and 99% movement (pp. 1-13). New York, NY: Beret-Koehler Publishers. Crang, M. Thrift, N.J. (2000). Thinking Space. New York, NY: Routledge. Staff. (2011). Wall Street: 300 Years of Protests. Web. Hubbard, P., Kitchin, R. Valentine G. (Eds.) (2010). Key Thinkers on Space and Place (2nd e dn.). London: Sage. Kitchin, R. (1999). Creating and awareness of others: Highlighting the role of space and place. Geography, 84(1), 45-54. Mitchell, D. (1995). The end of public space? People’s Park, definitions of the public, and democracy. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 85(1), 108-133. Smith, D. J. (1994). Geography and Social Justice. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. St Paul’s protest: Legal action is launched. (2011, October 28). BBC News. Retrieved from Therborn, G. (1980). The Ideology of Power and the Power of Ideology. New York, NY: New Left Books. Walker, P. (2011, October 31). Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral resigns over Occupy London protest row. The Guardian. Retrieved from
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Alphonse Capone Essays - Five Points Gang, The Untouchables
Alphonse Capone Essays - Five Points Gang, The Untouchables Alphonse Capone Alphonse Capone Born 1/17/1899, Brooklyn Died 1/25/1947, Florida Al Capone is one of the most recognized names in American history. Alphonse was born to Neapolitan immigrants Gabriel and Teresa. His surname, originally Caponi, had been Americanized to Capone. The Capone family included James, Ralph, Salvatore (Frank), Alphonse, John, Albert, Matthew, Rose and Mafalda. Capone was proud to be an American I'm no Italian. I was born in Brooklyn, he often said. Al went to school with Salvatore Lucania, later known as Lucky Luciano. At about the age of ten he began to follow up-and-coming gangster Johnny Torrio, also a Neapolitan. At fourteen he quit school after striking a teacher. Capone and Lucky Luciano joined a gang known as the Five Pointers, on Manhattan's Lower East Side. Capone worked for Frank Yale, president of the Unione Siciliane, as a bouncer and bartender. One night he made a remark about the sister of Frank Galluciano, and Galluciano slashed Capone's face with a pocket knife, leaving three large scars on the left side of his face. For much of his criminal career, newspapers would call Capone by the hated name Scarface. Incredibly, Capone choose to forgive Galluciano and, years later, hired him as a bodyguard. Johnny Torrio had moved to Chicago to work for his uncle, Big Jim Colosimo. Torrio sent for his trusted lieutenant, Capone. Suspected of two murders, Capone was eager to leave New York. Capone worked under Torrio as a bouncer and thug. On May 11, 1920, Big Jim Colosimo was assassinated in his own cafe by an unknown killer. Johnny Torrio was now the leader of the most powerful gang in Chicago, and Capone his right-hand man. Torrio imposed a peace treaty on the other gangs, which lasted until the O'Banion-Genna war. Torrio was shot by O'Banion men in reprisal for O'Banion's slaying. He survived, barely. Before retiring to Italy, Torrio turned over leadership of his gang to Capone. Jen3 The Di Vito monument, a short distance east of the Bishops' mausoleum, features busts of Mr. and Mrs. Di Vito in shallow alcoves. The Ionic columns on the side are partially covered with clinging vines. Jen4 Mount Carmel is one of Chicago's finest graveyards. It is located in west suburban Hillside, across the street from Queen of Heaven. Mt Carmel is the oldest Catholic cemetery in the western part of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The vast majority of persons buried here are Italian. Italian traditions include statuary, and photographs on the monument, and private mausoleums. There are over 400 private family mausoleums in Mt. Carmel, more than any other cemetery in the area. Italian immigrants in Chicago preserved their culture, and Mount Carmel has a wonderful Old-World feel. The most popular attraction is the Bishops' mausoleum, which received over 50,000 visitors in the two months after the death of Cardinal Bernardin in October 1996. But to many, Mt. Carmel is equally famous for the graves of Chicago's notorious gangsters of the 1920s - including Al Capone, best known of them all. Bibliography I really cant say anything
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Energy supply chains and states Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Energy supply chains and states - Essay Example This paper will discuss the main actors in the oil supply chain and the roles they play, and analyze relations of power among the actors and regulation. It will also discuss the key arguments linking oil to war. Supply chains serve the key purpose of overcoming the gap between customers and suppliers and manufacturers (Bowersox, Closs & Cooper 2007). Operations that can only be done, or are best done, in distant locations are made possible by supply chain networks. Apart from their ability to bridge physical distance, or space gaps, supply chains also overcome, time gaps, quantity gaps, variety gaps and information gaps. Time gaps occur when the time between products being available and the time when consumers need to buy them differ. Quantity gaps occur when the stocks available from the suppliers cannot match the consumers’ demands, while variety gaps occur when consumers demand a wider product variety than can be available from one supplier. When there is an information gap , consumers are not able to know of the source or availability of products and the suppliers are also unable to know of potential consumers. The Main Actors and their Roles in the Oil Supply Chain In the oil industry, the key actors are the oil companies (which are the operators), the main contractors and sub contractors, and then the suppliers and consumers (Rushton, Croucher & Baker 2006). The existence of numerous actors has been necessitated by highly specialised and unique business processes, which encourage fragmentation. In the oil industry, the supply chain can distinctly be viewed through the different fragments concerned with exploration, production, refining, marketing and finally, the consumer. The oil companies, which may be state-owned or private organizations, interface on a worldwide scale with governmental entities, whereby some have direct links with the governments themselves. The main contractors are usually traditional service, construction or engineering firms, most of which have undergone nurturing under protective government policies on development for years. Suppliers and sub contractors are made up of regional agents, service companies and manufactures. The supply chain network is bound together by expertise, and the assumption that safety requirements and interruption-free operations should never come under compromise. Conventional definitions dictate that the large part of petroleum reserves are held by state-owned (or national) oil companies, which also produce most of the world’s crude oil supply. By virtue of their privilege of holding exclusive rights to the development and exploration of petroleum resources in their home countries, national oil companies also have the power to decide to what degree they may require the private companies’ participation in the activities of the industry. Further, the national oil companies are typically not compelled to strictly operate basing on market principles. For countries tha t are members of the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Cultural differences between east and west Germany (1945 - 1961) Research Proposal
Cultural differences between east and west Germany (1945 - 1961) - Research Proposal Example at interest as there are many people who do not understand the reason East and the West Germans behave differently, and the West is more developed than the East especially in governing matters1. History plays a great role in shaping communities and Germany was not an exception especially between 1948 and 1961when most of the differences existed. The study will enlighten many readers and the future researchers and help them understand the problems that faced countries and communities in the earlier times. Germany participated in the killing of many Jews due to racism that characterized the communities3. The importance issues for discussion in this proposal are the highlights of the cultural issues such as the military culture between the East and the West Germany some of which exist today5. There was a strong social and collective mentality in the communist society in the East Germany, unlike West Germans who are individualistic. Religion also brought some differences in that there were few believers in the East in which many are atheist and unreligious4. In West Germany, more people were religious and attended the church and other worship places. The hobbies for the two regions were also different with East Germany loving nudism a lot more than West Germans do. Racism was also common in East Germany, it was rare to find foreigners, and seclusion for the few who existed was common5. The Nazi party persecuted many Jews, killed millions, and split their families by offering the convenient divorce. Even today, racism exists in the East more than it does in the West Germany, for instan ce, the Nazi dressing code that identified them for discrimination4. There are various research methods to use in this proposal to discuss the differences, which exist in the two communities in Germany. First, examination of the available primary sources and lecture notes will assist in gathering enough literature for the study. Secondary sources such as academic journals and other
Monday, January 27, 2020
Ethical Issues Working with Youth
Ethical Issues Working with Youth To what extent can researchers plan for ethical issues when working with children and young people? People often think of ethics or morals, as a rule for distinguishing between what is right and wrong. Something that springs to mind, is the saying; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you or the religious creed of the Ten Commandments, Thou Shalt not kill. This is a common way of defining ethics and the norms for conduct that distinguish between unacceptable and acceptable behaviour. Most people learn ethical norms within the home, at school or in other educational settings. Majority of people acquire their sense of right and wrong during their childhood as moral development occurs throughout life. Simply because as human beings, we pass through different stages of growth as we mature. Ethical norms can be classed as ubiquitous, simply because one might be tempted to regard them as simple commonsense. A plausible explanation of these disagreements is that as humans, we can recognise some common ethical norms, but majority of individuals may apply and interpret these norms in different ways in respect of their own life experiences and own values. Our society has legal rules that govern behaviour, but ethical norms can be broader and more informal than laws. However, most societies use laws to enforce moral standards and ethical and legal rules use similar concepts, it is however crucial to point out that law and ethics are not the same. For example, an action could be classed as legal, but illegal or unethical, but ethical. Society also uses ethical concepts and principles to interpret laws, evaluate and criticise. Within the last century, citizens were urged to disobey laws in order to protest what they classed as unjust laws that were immoral. Within research with children and young people there are several reasons why it is important to adhere to ethical norms. Firstly, it promotes the aims of research and examples include, truth, avoidance and knowledge such as misrepresenting research data promote the truth, prohibitions against fabricating, falsifying and avoid error. Second, is that research often involves a great deal of cooperation and coordination amongst different people in different institutions and disciplines. Ethical standards promote the values that are essential to collaborative work, which include fairness, trust, accountability and mutual respect. For example, many ethical norms in research, such as guidelines for authorship, data protection policies, and confidentiality rules are designed to protect intellectual property interests, but still encouraging collaboration amongst the institutions. Therefore, researchers want to receive credit for their work and contributions to be disclosed prematurely and do not want to have their ideas stolen. Third and the main standard is that many of the ethical norms help to ensure that researchers can be held accountable to the public. Many of the norms with research are that it promotes a variety of other important moral and social values, for example social responsibility, human rights, compliance with the law, and health and safety. Critically, ethical lapses in research can significantly harm humans, students and the public. A researcher who may fabricate data in a clinical trial could harm patients and a researcher who fails to abide by regulations and guidelines, as set out in the ethical standards, could jeopardise his health and safety or the health and safety of staff and students in relation to radiation or biological safety. Consequently, ethics are often a matter of trying to find a balance between opposite extremes. Ethical research with children has changed significantly in the past 30 years and modern standards of research ethic may considerably depend on modern transparent research methods and a respectful relationship between children and researchers. During the 1947s lawyers stressed the dangers of research and insisted that willing consent should be obtained, although it was presumed that children were too young to give consent and consequently banned from participating from research. Traditionally, children were not allowed to consent for themselves for medical Children traditionally were not allowed to consent for themselves in terms of medical procedures and even for the simplest procedures. Today, there are three approved models of consent for children. First, children who are classed as competent, which are sometimes called minors may provide consent on their own. Second, children may provide an assent with parental consent and third, some children, due to their developmental stage or age cannot provide consent until parental consent is sought. Critically, this can raise serious ongoing challenges and some of the difficulties can arise from assessing competence, best interests as well as, motivations. As well as dealing with conflict between children, parents and or with children and youth, many of which may be living on the street or in a crisis situation, to name just a few examples. Children are traditionally considered more vulnerable than adults and this is because of their lack of competence to take part in making decisions. This could be especially around complex issues, such as health care and inclusion, in research. This vulnerability means that parents/ guardians, educators and health care professionals must be trusted to act in their best interests and make decisions for them. Moreover, this vulnerability has often meant that some children are simply excluded from research which is often in short-sighted attempts to protect them from harm. Consequently, this has resulted in excluding children from research and in research, failed to learn about children and to develop better and new ways to treat, approach and protect them. Alderson (2004) states that Ethicists teach the rules for ethical research are based on three main ways of thinking about what is good research: the principles of doing good research because it is right and correct thing to do. Rights based research involves respect and childrens rights, such as providing for basic needs for example, healthcare and education. Protection from child abuse and discrimination and participation is vital during ethical research in having their own views listened to and respected by adults. This is based on good research, rather then relying wholly on adult principles and values. The best outcomes based ethics basically means, working out how to avoid or reduce harm and costs. Researchers may produce very misleading results that are produced in policies that could damage childrens lives. Researchers may upset children by worrying them by making false promises or betray them. Critically, moral questions about power, honesty and respecting people can arise throughout the research process. Although a problem, often seldom mentioned by ethicists, is a risk on published research reports that increase stigma and disadvantage children and young adults. However, these reports can help researchers address such risks and problems and learn how to deal with them. An actual research that wasnt properly planned and a particular ethical issue uncovered was when, as stated by Dennis, 2009 A Japanese graduate student, was translating at a parent/teacher conference and the teacher asked her to pass along comments to the parents that Hanakos thought were rude. She did not want to do it. She intervened covertly because she did not pass along the comments as they had been expressed by the teacher, but she pretended to do so. She tried to make the point the teacher was making, but in a much more polite, positive, and from Hanakos perspective, acceptable way. Critically, this issue would have failed to demonstrate the teachers irritation and pose an ethical risk, as this interpersonal intervention was not inclusive. It could pose a potential harm, as it failed to promote moral and social values and follow ethical standards that promote the values that are crucial to collaborative work, such as mutual respect and trust, especially when working with child ren and young people. Another actual research that the researcher planned well for ethical issues was that off, Naz Rassool. Rassool (2004) was interested in working with a group of 14 and 15 year olds that raised several ethical and practical issues. Rassool felt that the pupils should not be exploited emotionally due to the nature of the work as the pupils were in a critical phase of their development. The research had to be very sensitive through its investigations of identity formation. Therefore, the ethical issues were paramount and persisted throughout the research. Rassool found the most effective way to address the theoretical research question to the pupils, incorporating the concepts of religion, knowledgeability, social change and individual reflexivity, all provided Rassool the theoretical framework. To generate a common understanding of the purpose of the research, Rossool conducted a seminar with staff involved, which addressed the aims of the research, ethical issues and the purpose of the activities. Other ethical issues, revolved in receiving parental consent and whether this as absolutely necessary, if the activities formed a part of the teaching programme. However, since the ultimate aim is to answer research questions it is crucial that all ethical issues are applied throughout. Critically, however when working with children and young people, it is normal protocol to seek parental consent, especially when conducting research. Rossools research promoted the aims of research; followed ethical standards and promote the values, which are essential for collaborative work, such as mutual respect, trust and fairness. It promoted moral and social values. Research heavily relies on the public to take part in the research and if this cooperation is to continue, then researchers have to keep high ethical standards. Alderson (2004) states public anxiety about the removal of childrens organs without consent, partly for research shows how research ethics, consent and rights may change, especially when children are involved. Similar changes may occur in social research and therefore, it is crucial to gain foresight about social research from the hindsight of medical research. Critically many medical journals refuse to publish these reports that may not have the backing of ethical committee approval and therefore, researchers need to keep abreast of the ethical standards. Gaining ethics committee approval can take time and can protect people who take part in the research and protect them from litigation and criticism. The extent researchers can plan for ethical issue is by involving children and young people and should only be conducted when the research question posed is crucial to the well-being and health of children. Ethics help researchers to be more aware of hidden problems, but do not always provide the right and easy answers. However, a research procedure which is not intended directly to benefit the child subject is not necessarily either unethical or illegal. Such research includes observing and measuring normal development and the use of healthy volunteers in controlled experiments. The participation of children is indispensable and this is because the information available from research on other individuals cannot answer the question posed in relation to the children. Therefore, the study method is appropriate for children and the circumstances in which the research is conducted, provides for the emotional, physical, emotional and safety of the child. The challenges relating to ethical and consent issues involving children and young people in research are numerous and require careful consideration and yet are not insurmountable. Critically, as a priority, researchers must engage with the legal, moral and ethical imperatives offered by UNICEF. As Alderson quoted, that Rights based research involves respect and childrens rights and as part of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in particular. The researcher needs to give diligence to Article 12, and the article due and diligent consideration in its entirety, by respecting the views of the child. Researchers must not only commit to inclusive practices, but also maintain assiduousness in ensuring that children and young people are respected participants in the research process, from selection of methodologies to the dissemination and reporting of results. With these guidelines in mind, children should be offered opportunities to genuinely participate in research. When adults are making decisions that affect children, children have the right to say what they think should happen and have their opinions taken into account. Ethical considerations are paramount in childrens research and management of these considerations can be very influential on the research that is ultimately completed with children and young people. The major issues discussed include, protection and safety versus participation, the role of ethics committees and the impact of consent processes. In summary, negotiating ethics approval and access to children and young people remains a major challenge. More attention needs to be given to facilitating information and understanding participatory research across all groups involved to minimise culture clashes and increase the understanding of the nature of participatory research. As Dennis, 2009 quotes There is one ethical principle that worked differently: all peoples voices should be included in decision making thus those who oppose egalitarianism should not be allowed to make decisions that limit the inclusion of others voices. In this case, there is no way to achieve egalitarian inclusivity with people who would limit the egalitarian and inclusive treatment of others. Thus, the two aspects of this ethical principle do not contradict each other and do not need to be criticised on these grounds. The extent researchers can plan for ethical issue is by ensuring the adoption of methods which are respectful to the children and is also crucial that researchers take ethics seriously. This may mean researchers moving away from traditions that in the past may have considered children as unthinking human beings. Instead, it places the emphasis on respecting children as dynamic people, which makes this method more realistic and productive. This is consequently classed as ethical, as most ethics encourage research methods with children participants. Word Count: /2,500
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