Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why I Am Interested Of Taking The Chromatin, Epigenetics,...

â€Å"No man’s knowledge can go beyond his experience†, this statement by John Locke captures the essence of why I am interested in taking the Chromatin, Epigenetics, and Gene Expression course. I have always had a lifelong thirst for knowledge. As a child I was always asking questions about why or how things worked. I would always tinker with things, taking them apart and reassembling them. I questioned pretty much everything and longed to be able to do experiments and find solutions to unanswered questions on my own. In high school, I volunteered, participated in athletics, held leadership roles in several clubs, and also worked part-time. Despite my many extracurricular activities, I never lost my thirst for knowledge and academic success remained my foremost goal. To challenge myself I enrolled in the most advanced courses available and took classes offered from a nearby community college, I graduated with both a high school diploma and an Associate’s Degree. Motivated by my life experiences, I began my collegiate career at Virginia Tech (VT) as a biological sciences major. In short time I decided that I would pursue a dual degree, adding psychology on as another major. It was at VT that I would get my first opportunities to further my experience alongside my knowledge. This experience would come in the form of research. As a freshman I worked in the laboratory of Dr. Karen Brewer. I conducted synthesis, purification and characterization of organometallics and refined key

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