Sunday, May 24, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Financial advising report - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1194 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Introduction This report is going to be a reference for the board of directors in making financing decision on newly projects amounts about pound; 200 million. There are three issues that we have to take a deep look before the board makes the financing decision. Firstly, they are the role that played by capital markets and efficient market hypothesis (EMH) and how important of them. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Financial advising report" essay for you Create order Follow by the different sources of finance that available for our company and identify each of the merits and risks. Lastly is how important of cost of capital to the company and how its implications on capital structure. These are the benefits that the company will gain if the board makes the decision based on this report. The proper choices of sources of finance will make a good financing decision. In the meantime, good financing decisions will lead the company to a better and competitive investment opportunities. This report will align the decisions to the overall company strategies. The role and importance of capital markets Capital markets function as both primary and secondary markets for debt and equity securities. The term primary market refers to the original sale of securities by governments and also corporations. The secondary markets are those in which these securities are bought and sold after the original sale. But in this report we only focus on corporate securities only. There are factors that affect securities buying and selling. Timing and liquidity is the main factors that always affect the company issue share. The company must identify when is the right timing to issue share and the liquidity of the share issues. Segmentation also very important as we must target the potential buyer only we can issue the shares. This require to do a deep market research on who are willing to buy our shares. The course of transaction also very important as we must have a clear direction on it. Capital markets very important to the company as here is the place where they can raise funds when they need it. At here we can raise long term funds that suitable to our project which depends on the duration of the project but of course the company reputation must be good. For example, when Maxis want to re-list their company in Malaysia Bursa they gain a very good response from the public. From that we know that Maxis reputation is positive in public mind. Primary Markets In the primary market transaction, the corporation is the seller, and the transaction raises money for the corporation. Corporations engage two types of primary market transactions; they are public offerings and private placements. Public offering, as the name mentions, it involves selling securities to the general public, whereas a private placement is a negotiated sale involving a specific buyer. By law, public offerings of debt and equity must be registered securities exchange commission (SEC). In Malaysia is Securities Commission Malaysia. Registration requires the firm to disclose a great deal of information before selling any securities. The accounting, legal, and selling costs of public offerings can be considerable. Partly to avoid the various regulatory requirements and the expense of public offerings, debt and equity are often sold privately to large financial institutions such as life insurance companies, mutual funds or banks. Such private placements do not have to be registered with the (SEC) and do not require the involvement of the investment banks that specialise in selling securities to public. Secondary Markets Secondary markets transaction involves one owner or creditor selling to another. Therefore, the secondary markets provide the means for transferring ownership of corporate securities. Although a firm is directly involved only in a primary market transaction when it sells securities to raise fund, the secondary markets are still critical to large company such as listed companies as us. The reason is that investors are much more willing to purchase securities in primary market transaction when they know that those securities can be resold later if they want. Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) asserts that well organised capital markets, like NYSE, are efficient markets, at least as a practical matter. In other words, an advocate of the EMH might argue that although inefficiencies may exists, they are relatively small and not common. If a market is efficient, then there is a very important implication for market participants. All investments in the market are zero NPV investments, Fama (1998). The reason is not complicated. If prices are neither too low nor too high, then the difference between the market value of an investment and its cost is zero; hence the NPV is zero. As a result, in an efficient market, investors get exactly what they pay for when they buy securities, and firms receive exactly what their stocks and bonds are worth when they sell them. What makes a market efficient is competition among investors. Many individuals spend their entire lives trying to find mispriced stocks. For any given stocks, they study what has happened in the past to the stock price and the stocks dividends. They learn the extent possible, what a companys earnings have been, how much the company owes to creditors, what taxes it pays, what businesses it is in, what new investments are planned, how sensitive it is to changes in the economy and so on. If we know more about some company than other investors in the marketplace, we can profit from that knowledge by investing in the companys stock if we have good news and by selling it if we have bad news. In other words, the shares or bonds issues by our company will be successful if only the market is efficient. Otherwise, there will be a failure for us. Forms of Market Efficiency Strong form efficient If the market is strong form efficient, then all information of every kind is reflected in stock prices. Semi-strong form efficiency This form of efficiency is the most controversial. If a market is semi-strong form efficient, then all public information is reflected in the stock price. Weak form efficiency In this form, it suggests that a minimum current price of a stock reflects the stocks own past time prices. Means we got to study past time stock information. Different sources of finance Internal sources Ordinary Share Ordinary share is the foundation of the financial structure of a company and should be the source of most of its long term finance. Since a company is owned by its ordinary shareholders, raising additional finance by issuing new ordinary shares has ownership and control implications which merit careful consideration. Ordinary shareholders are the ultimate bearers of the risk associated with the business activities of the companies they own. This is because an order of precedence governs the distribution of the proceeds of liquidation in the event of a company going out business. The first claims settled are those of secured creditors, like debenture holders and banks, the one who are entitled to receive in full both unpaid interest and the outstanding capital. Then coming to those unsecured creditors such as suppliers. The next claims are the preference shareholders and lastly only come to the ordinary shareholders.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Bipolar Disorder Symptoms, Medical Management, History and Risk Factors - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2563 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/08/12 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Tags: Bipolar Disorder Essay Did you like this example? While studying and researching the progression, signs of symptoms, medical management, history and risk factors, medical interventions, diagnosis, and tests of bipolar disorder, a reader or patient will find some fascinating information about this disorder. This case study will reflect on many factors of bipolarism and will provide great information on prevention and physical therapy for this disease. This study will also address some support resources for this disorder, and talk about coverage of this disease process. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Medical Management, History and Risk Factors" essay for you Create order Bipolar disorder can start out at early stages of life. A person could spend months or even years with this disorder but never have received a diagnosis, or any treatment for this problem. Progression of this disease can be initiated by many factors in life, and symptoms can be very serious if the patient is not diagnosed early in the stages. There are many symptoms of bipolar disorder, and there is also two different types of this disease. The first type of this disease is bipolar one, this is the serious type of disorder because it is the kind where people can be extraordinarily manic, psychotic, or might even need to be hospitalized. In this type of disease, the patients mood will oscillate back and forth from depressions and manias. The second type of bipolarism is bipolar two, also called hypomania. This type of disease is far less severe than bipolar one, but still does not need to be left unheard. A person with bipolar two will have a little bit of mania; they might also have increased energy and decreased need for sleep. If these two types of bipolarism are not treated at early stages, it could lead to serious harm to other people of the even to the patient themselves. Bipolar disorder can be caused by many different things. It could be caused by psychosocial stresses from society, or it can be passed down genetically from previous generations. The progression of this disease is severe enough that we the people should be looking for symptoms from people in our family, friends, and community. We must find these symptoms at early stages to prevent people from committing suicide from progressed depression, or prevent people from hurting others through abuse and other actions. Bipolarism can also progress into dysphoric mania, which is when manic patients become very uncomfortabl e, anxious, or overdriven. It is estimated that two-thirds of women might have dysphoric mania, and if people are using substances or being abused, they are also more likely to become dysphoric over time. Other signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder could be categorized into two different sections of depression, or manic episodes. Symptoms of depression could be diminished interest or pleasure throughout the day, significant weight loss or loss of appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia nearly all day, psychomotor agitation, feeling worthless and always thinking about death. The other side of bipolarism is the manic episodes. This person would have symptoms like inflated self-esteem, feel persistently elevated in their mood, be easily agitated, become more talkative than usual, or have distractibility. There are ways to coping and treating bipolarism. One way is to first get a psychiatrist and get evaluated. Before tests become available, or for urgent reasons, the patient may be prescribed mood stabilizers or other forms of drugs that would treat bipolarism. Once the patient becomes available for testing he/she would have a CT scan or a MRI done. A patient might also have an EEG done for further evaluation. Since bipolarism not only affects the patient, but the family too, it is important that the familys physician and psychiatrist creates an effective and collaborative connection with the family and patient. The family and patient will have many meetings together with their family physician and psychiatrist to further cope and overall get the patient w ell again to be independent and self-driven once again. Once the patient becomes more stable he or she will not need to see the psychiatrist as often, but will still have to meet for follow-ups to view their course of illnesses. In addition, counseling and family therapy are important components of management and may be rendered by the family physician, or psychiatrist. There are many risk factors when it comes to bipolar disorder. It can depend on your genetics, environment, and also your brain structure. There is no one specific risk factor that will make you have bipolarism, but it is the act of many risk factors working together to give you this disorder. Bipolar disorder tends to run within families. Children with a parent or relative that has bipolar disorder are at a greater chance of getting this disease, rather than a child with no bipolarism throughout their family history. It is likely that your genes and the environment have the biggest factor when it comes to your chance of getting bipolar disorder. Sometimes it is the case that a major life change or a traumatic event can trigger bipolarism within a person. An example could be a loss of a loved one, or an onset medical problem. This could lead to major depression which is one of the categories of bipolarism. Drug abuse could also be the reason that a person has bipolarism. An estimated sixty percent of individuals with bipolar disorder are dependent on drugs or alcohol(Herndon). Aslo people with seasonal depression and anxiety disorders also have an increased risk for bipolarism. These types of risk factors show that the environment can have a huge risk of people getting bipolar disorder. Risk factors do not just come from the environment though, it also can come from your brain structure. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission technology (PET) are types of scans that can be used to detect bipolar disorder. These two types of technology can scan your brain to detect if there are any findings that can relate to bipolarism. More research is still being conducted on this technology to see how these findings can specifically impact bipolarism, and what this means for treatment and diagnosis. Diagnosing a patient for bipolar disorder can be a hard thing to do. Doctors have come a long way in fully understanding different moods in this disease, and have also improved in making more accurate diagnoses to patients. Unlike the past, doctors can now distinguish bipolarism from many other disorders, such as unipolar depression or schizophrenia. With the greater acknowledgment of many other disorders today, doctors can now identify signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder, such as bipolar depression, hypomania, and mania. Now with most cases too, doctors can now treat the disorder safely and effectively with bipolar medication. In the medical field today, lab tests, also known as blood tests, cannot specifically determine if a patient has bipolarism or not. In fact, the best way to test for bipolar disorder is to sit down with your doctor and talk face to face about your mood swings, behaviors, or lifestyle habits. Then the doctor can start learning about your personality and dete rmine if you could have bipolarism or not. Most of the time the doctor can determine if you have bipolar disorder by knowing what your symptoms might be. Like if your overall state of health is good, if you are on a good sleeping schedule, and your appetite is appropriate. The doctor might also want to know if you have mood swings throughout the day and if you are depressed a substantial amount of time during the day. In the making of a persons bipolar diagnosis, the psychiatrist will ask questions about the patients family history of bipolarism, mental illnesses, or other mood disorders. Because of the big importance in the genetics of this disease, family history is a huge factor of diagnosing a person with bipolarism. A doctor will put the patient through a couple of tests to see if the patient has bipolar disorder. First, the doctor will ask the patient to fill out a questionnaire or checklist about his or hers daily lifestyles, to help guide the patient through a clinical review of symptoms the patient may have. In, addition the doctor may schedule a blood or urine test for the patient to rule out certain causes or symptoms. The doctor will also run various test to see if the patient is on drugs or alcohol, because people that abuse substances or alcohol are at a higher risk or bipolar disorder than someone that is not. The blood tests will also check for thyroid issues because depression can be directly correlated to bad thyroid function. Overall, the doctor will put a patient through many tests and screenings to determine if the patient may, or may not have bipolar disorder. People might be wondering what they can do as a pre-diagnosis prevention. In other words, the patient may want to know what he or she can do before going to see a doctor before screening and tests. First, it is very helpful to write down the symptoms that the patient is having. Such as if you have a loss of appetite or insomnia, if the patient might be easily triggered by certain things, or if the patient has severe depression. Focus on what you have noticed changes in like mood, sleep, appetite, energy, thinking skills, and social behavior. It might also be useful to have an in-depth look at your family history to see if any relatives, or close family members might have had this disorder or anything close to it, such as depression or manic events. This could also help in prescribing appropriate treatments to try to cure or limit your disease. In addition, a patient might want to bring a close friend or family member to the doctors appointment with them because they might know some s ymptoms that the patient is unaware of. Before a patients visit to the doctor, he or she will want to make a list symptoms and signs that they are currently having like mental and physical health concerns, unusual behaviors, past illnesses, medications, natural dietary supplements, causes of stress, and sleep and lifestyle habits. These are some things that patient might need or be aware of before an appointment for bipolar disorder diagnosis. There are many appropriate interventions for people who have bipolar disorder. The number one method for treating this disorder is medications. There are three main classes of medication for this disease, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics. Typically, while taking some forms of these medications, a person will also be receiving psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is for people usually with depression or other forms of mood disorders. Research has shown that when a person is receiving psychotherapy combined with medication, they have a greater ability to cope with there illnesses rather than not using these treatments combined together. The most widely used drugs for the treatment of bipolar disorder include lithium carbonate and valproic acid (also known as Depakote or generally as Divalproex) (Understanding Bipolar Disorder). Lithium has many contributing factors to treat bipolar disorder. It can reduce mania and prevent the recurrence of depression, also it is often giv en with other medications like mood stabilizers because it is a form of an antidepressant. Overall, medications and psychotherapy are the major factors used to treat people with bipolarism. Many people with bipolar disorder, or someone who may think they have it, will want to know how to treat it using therapy. The best therapy to treat this disease is psychotherapy. There are many subcategories of psychotherapy, such as behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, interpersonal therapy, and social rhythm therapy. Behavioral therapy mainly focuses on stress. Stress is a big part of bipolar disorder, and with a build up of stress could cause a person to lash out or explode in rage or anger. If a therapist can teach a person with bipolarism on how to control their stress, it could prevent a person from having a manic episode. The point of behavioral therapy is to teach a person how to calm themselves, think about the happy things in their life, and control their anger when they feel themselves lashing out at someone or something. Cognitive therapy focuses on controlling a persons mood swings and shifts. If the therapist can teach the patient on how to find their thinking patter ns and what controls their mood, the patient can pick out the happy things in life and control their own mood in a positive attribute. Interpersonal therapy focuses on relationships in the patients life. The therapist will talk to the patient and become familiar with their family members and spouses, and then the therapist can pick out what strains the patients life and what could cause stress or hardships to the patient. Once the therapist can pick out the hardships in the patients life, they can teach the patient how to control their strains in life and overall decrease what or who makes them stressed or depressed. The final psychotherapy category is social rhythm, this category focuses on the patients daily routine in life, and sleep schedule. If a person with bipolarism can get in a life routine, then he or she can decrease their stresses or strains in life. Once a patient with bipolar disorder has been diagnosed and treated, the patient needs to know what needs to be done at home to prevent future episodes and potentially physical lash outs. The first post-op prevention the patient should know is not to stop their medications. Sometimes a patient will skip a dosage or just think they are not useful anymore, but they are still very beneficial to the patients behavioral and cognitive decisions. Another thing the patient should do after diagnosis is to join a support group. A support group can be very beneficial because socialization with other people with bipolarism can decrease your chances of having another manic episode. Talking and hearing stories of other people with bipolarism can really make the patient think about themselves as a whole, and consider what their life purposes are. Another thing a patient post diagnosis should do is find recreational activities, or get active with others. If a person can channel their energy positive ly they can focus on the better purposes of life, and they will have a decreased chance of having depression in their life. Other ways to prevent post complications is finding fun hobbies that you might like doing. Being active and social in life can make a person have a decrease in depression and stress. The final prevention method is to stay focused on your goals. You have to have a want to to manage your bipolarism, it is not just going to be given. The patient must try really hard to cope with stress and depression in life, and find activities that make them feel happy and feel like they are worth something. In conclusion, this study focused on the progression, signs of symptoms, medical management, history and risk factors, medical interventions, diagnosis, and tests of bipolar disorder. This discussion has also reflected on the importance of intervention, the complete disease process, and the physical therapy process of bipolar disorder. Overall, the process of bipolar disorder can very long and stressful, but anybody can get through it with determination, and being focused throughout the whole process of diagnosis and therapy. Being consistent throughout the whole treatment and post-diagnosis is key to having a stress free and manic episode free life.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why I Am Interested Of Taking The Chromatin, Epigenetics,...
â€Å"No man’s knowledge can go beyond his experience†, this statement by John Locke captures the essence of why I am interested in taking the Chromatin, Epigenetics, and Gene Expression course. I have always had a lifelong thirst for knowledge. As a child I was always asking questions about why or how things worked. I would always tinker with things, taking them apart and reassembling them. I questioned pretty much everything and longed to be able to do experiments and find solutions to unanswered questions on my own. In high school, I volunteered, participated in athletics, held leadership roles in several clubs, and also worked part-time. Despite my many extracurricular activities, I never lost my thirst for knowledge and academic success remained my foremost goal. To challenge myself I enrolled in the most advanced courses available and took classes offered from a nearby community college, I graduated with both a high school diploma and an Associate’s Degree. Motivated by my life experiences, I began my collegiate career at Virginia Tech (VT) as a biological sciences major. In short time I decided that I would pursue a dual degree, adding psychology on as another major. It was at VT that I would get my first opportunities to further my experience alongside my knowledge. This experience would come in the form of research. As a freshman I worked in the laboratory of Dr. Karen Brewer. I conducted synthesis, purification and characterization of organometallics and refined key
Affirmative Action Executive Order 11246 Free Essays
The Webster†s New World Dictionary defines affirmative action as â€Å"a policy or program for correcting the effects of discrimination in the employment or education of members of certain groups. †President Lyndon Johnson issued executive Order 11246. This required federal contractors to take â€Å"affirmative action†to increase the number of minorities that they employed. We will write a custom essay sample on Affirmative Action: Executive Order 11246 or any similar topic only for you Order Now President Johnson†s order he put in place has since been twisted and turned around to what it is today. Such twists and turns include the hiring of unqualified workers, the causing of problems for groups it originally set out to help, and the reverse discrimination that results in unfair standards into higher education and the work force. Affirmative action creates an equal opportunity for people in the work force and for students seeking higher education. However, while affirmative action creates equal opportunity to for some individuals, it discriminates against others, primarily white males. Take for example some police forces. If a member of a minority group is hired over a more qualified person and they are forced to be in a situation they cannot handle then that is a major problem of affirmative action. Therefore, affirmative action uses reverse discrimination to solve the problem of discrimination. In â€Å"Assessing Affirmative Action†, an article by Harry Holtzer and David Neumark , says that â€Å"many firms where more likely to hire women and minorities with lesser qualifications, but also to give them remedial training, thus erasing the differences†(Holtzer1). In many cases you see that affirmative action helps most minorities and women but has its obvious drawbacks. In another article by George Gurin, â€Å"Sizing Up Affirmative Action†, he say†s that â€Å"To many colleges and businesses are being almost to open on who they let in and who they don†t only because they are trying too hard†(Gurin3). In my opinion I think that affirmative action is a great thing to have in today†s society, our nations development is credited to many different cultures coming together to form one great one. We will forever have the fight of discrimination, but there is not in my opinion one-way to satisfy everyone. As mentioned earlier affirmative action does hurt some of the people it set out to help. Consider an employer who hires a member of a certain minority group on the basis of skills alone. Many of the employees may automatically assume that the individuals appointment to that job is resulted from affirmative action. Therefore, an employee who does benefit from affirmative action may bear the brand of â€Å"not being the best pick, but the best pick of a limited group(Pasour). †Another part of affirmative action that is commonly brought up is women in the government. In earlier times people wouldn†t even consider having a woman in positions where they would be making decisions for men. In this day they were almost treated like the slaves that they owned. One of the only jobs that women did was to work in factories and low income jobs. Today women hold the top positions in some jobs. Companies are hiring and promoting women the same is they do men. Is this a result of affirmative action? When women were given their rights it was. Today it is easy to see that women are just as qualified as men at what they do. The question of having a woman president is still up for grabs. I think that it will still be a long time before society feels comfortable with a woman controlling their nation. That in it†s self would be another consideration. Would other countries take us seriously and treat us with the same respect they do now. In time affirmative action may be the winner in that a woman president is closer than everyone may think. Another heated issue with affirmative action is the issue of African Americans. America has been a racist country from the start. But as time has passed and people have accepted other races as their own. This was not until recently when people thought like this. In the case of the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), a special admission program setting aside 16 places in the medical school class for disadvantaged students, chiefly racial minorities, violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment and title VI of the civil rights act of 1964(Regents2). All in all today†s society is growing towards the acceptance of different races and minorities. And one stepping-stone to that acceptance is the issue of affirmative action. How to cite Affirmative Action: Executive Order 11246, Papers
Affirmative Action Executive Order 11246 Free Essays
The Webster†s New World Dictionary defines affirmative action as â€Å"a policy or program for correcting the effects of discrimination in the employment or education of members of certain groups. †President Lyndon Johnson issued executive Order 11246. This required federal contractors to take â€Å"affirmative action†to increase the number of minorities that they employed. We will write a custom essay sample on Affirmative Action: Executive Order 11246 or any similar topic only for you Order Now President Johnson†s order he put in place has since been twisted and turned around to what it is today. Such twists and turns include the hiring of unqualified workers, the causing of problems for groups it originally set out to help, and the reverse discrimination that results in unfair standards into higher education and the work force. Affirmative action creates an equal opportunity for people in the work force and for students seeking higher education. However, while affirmative action creates equal opportunity to for some individuals, it discriminates against others, primarily white males. Take for example some police forces. If a member of a minority group is hired over a more qualified person and they are forced to be in a situation they cannot handle then that is a major problem of affirmative action. Therefore, affirmative action uses reverse discrimination to solve the problem of discrimination. In â€Å"Assessing Affirmative Action†, an article by Harry Holtzer and David Neumark , says that â€Å"many firms where more likely to hire women and minorities with lesser qualifications, but also to give them remedial training, thus erasing the differences†(Holtzer1). In many cases you see that affirmative action helps most minorities and women but has its obvious drawbacks. In another article by George Gurin, â€Å"Sizing Up Affirmative Action†, he say†s that â€Å"To many colleges and businesses are being almost to open on who they let in and who they don†t only because they are trying too hard†(Gurin3). In my opinion I think that affirmative action is a great thing to have in today†s society, our nations development is credited to many different cultures coming together to form one great one. We will forever have the fight of discrimination, but there is not in my opinion one-way to satisfy everyone. As mentioned earlier affirmative action does hurt some of the people it set out to help. Consider an employer who hires a member of a certain minority group on the basis of skills alone. Many of the employees may automatically assume that the individuals appointment to that job is resulted from affirmative action. Therefore, an employee who does benefit from affirmative action may bear the brand of â€Å"not being the best pick, but the best pick of a limited group(Pasour). †Another part of affirmative action that is commonly brought up is women in the government. In earlier times people wouldn†t even consider having a woman in positions where they would be making decisions for men. In this day they were almost treated like the slaves that they owned. One of the only jobs that women did was to work in factories and low income jobs. Today women hold the top positions in some jobs. Companies are hiring and promoting women the same is they do men. Is this a result of affirmative action? When women were given their rights it was. Today it is easy to see that women are just as qualified as men at what they do. The question of having a woman president is still up for grabs. I think that it will still be a long time before society feels comfortable with a woman controlling their nation. That in it†s self would be another consideration. Would other countries take us seriously and treat us with the same respect they do now. In time affirmative action may be the winner in that a woman president is closer than everyone may think. Another heated issue with affirmative action is the issue of African Americans. America has been a racist country from the start. But as time has passed and people have accepted other races as their own. This was not until recently when people thought like this. In the case of the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), a special admission program setting aside 16 places in the medical school class for disadvantaged students, chiefly racial minorities, violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment and title VI of the civil rights act of 1964(Regents2). All in all today†s society is growing towards the acceptance of different races and minorities. And one stepping-stone to that acceptance is the issue of affirmative action. How to cite Affirmative Action: Executive Order 11246, Papers
Plants Used For Medicine free essay sample
There are many plants used for medicines and there are many different types of medicines that those are made with. Medical plants can be used in products for antiseptic, fever reduction, pain relief, insect repellent and the list continues on for miles after that. One of these medical plants is the California poppy which is a small yellow flower that is used in a tea for anxiety relief or in a bigger dose pain relief. Another plant has a use I found interesting, Tansy another little yellow flower native to Europe and Asia and if rubbed on a person’s skin it will act as a natural insect repellant. Too bad we don’t have those here in Georgia, imagine it FREE insect repellant everywhere and it probably doesn’t stink too. Moving on, the next plant is Mint, a green leafy plant known for for soothing headaches, stopping nausea, settling the stomach and reducing nervousness and fatigue. We will write a custom essay sample on Plants Used For Medicine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My next plant is the plant that cats go crazy for, Catnip and although it is mostly meant to drive your cat insane it can also help relieve cold symptoms and stop excessive bleeding, go Catnip! Salvia officinalis or also known as Sage is maybe one of the most valuable plants on planet Earth it is anti-flammatory, anti-oxidant, and antifungal, basically it aids in digestion, relieves cramps, reduces diarrhea, stops up phlegm, helps fend off colds, reduces inflammation and swelling, acts as a salve for cuts and burns, and kills bacteria and in most cases can apparently even bring color back to gray hair. This plant is a plant you’d want to know about if you were stranded in the woods. The black berry is next, and I’m not talking about the berry itself but its leaves which can heal and prevent ailments such as dynasty and diarrhea; however the berry is good for you as well, tasty too! There are so many other plants that we use in our medicines and use to treat everyday th ings other than the ones above and many more we have yet to discover their uses but it’s a start.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Traffic jam free essay sample
Traffic jam is very hard to tell about the causes of jam in Dhaka as it does not follow any pattern. It is a common practice in Dhaka to blame rickshaws as the only reason for creating traffic congestion. But in reality there are several of reasons behind this problem. Effective reasons include: Significant increase in population and also in all types of vehicles All of the major export oriented Industries, corporate offices, significant number of Export Promotion Zones, the head offices of almost all Multi-National Companies, higher educational facilities and even the major International Airport of the country, all are located in or around the greater Dhaka city. Thus the city controls the economic development of the whole country. For these reasons, most of the rural-urban migration of Bangladesh is towards Dhaka City and it constitutes about 60% of Dhaka’s increasing population. Dhaka, at present, is one of the top most populous cities of the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Traffic jam or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At present the greater Dhaka has about 10 million population. The city’s urbanization rate is one of the highest of the world and it is projected that by the year 2010, Dhaka will be the sixth largest city of the world with 18 million population. The increasing population obviously increases the demand for more vehicles on the streets. Also they can easily provide the necessary labor force, especially for the informal sector rickshaw pulling. The more the traffic, the more will be the congestion, as the city has very limited infrastructure. Heterogeneous vehicles and inadequate public transport: Dhaka is a city of heterogeneous vehicles. There are both motorized and non-motorized vehicles occupy the same streets at the same time. It is quite difficult to control all these vehicles on the same road as they have different speed capacity. Besides this, public transport system in Dhaka city is not adequate and properly-routed. Most of the rickshaw â€Å"pullers,†or drivers, do not have any training and they are not even aware of the traffic rules. Inadequate and unplanned roads: Dhaka City has very inadequate road networks. For a standard city, where the minimum road requirement is 25%, Dhaka has only 7. 5% road of its total area. 30% of this 7. 5% road is also occupied by the hawkers, salesman and shopkeepers. A significant portion is occupied by construction materials and waste-containers of the City Corporation. As a result, vehicles do not get sufficient space to move on. Traffic Mismanagement: Insufficient number of traffic police and traffic signals, flaws in traffic markings, violation of traffic rules and regulations etc. can also be cited as some of the main reasons for traffic congestion in this city. Some points are discussed here: Violation of Traffic rules and regulations a. There is a lack of education and consciousness among the citizenry about the traffic rules. b. People who come to the city from villages for employment, rickshaw pulling becomes the most easily available job for them. They do not need any formal training to start this profession. In most of the cases, they do not even take a legal license. c. Most of the time, the pedestrians crosses the busy streets even if there is no crosswalk. People do not usually use the over bridges or underpasses, which are constructed in the important and busy intersections of the city. d. The buses do not stop at the bus stops, they stop just at the intersection points, and rickshaws always follow them. As a result, the intersections of the busy roads always remain crowded by the people and different types of vehicles. Insufficient parking arrangement and road blockage: Limited parking arrangement is another major cause of excessive traffic in Dhaka City. It has become a regular practice to park the car on road. Most of the new shopping centers or commercial buildings do not have adequate parking facilities. People have to park on the roads, which ultimately narrow down the effective width of the roads to a great extent. Before the approval, many building projects show that they will provide parking facility in the basement. But after getting the authorization to construct a project, the builders or owners usually do not follow the proposed plan properly. Even during rush hours, people are seen loading and unloading their vehicles on a busy road. City transports also stop here and there without any valid reason. The three major bus stations, Sayedabad, Gabtoli and Mohakhali do not have sufficient capacity to accommodate all the buses operating from here. A recent addition to road blockage is the long queue of vehicles at CNG stations, which is really difficult to overcome. Rail crossing: Every day we are experiencing movement of 74 trains to and from Dhaka. The existing â€Å"intercity rail line†passes through the four important Central Business Districts and a number of important and busy roads of Dhaka City. When a train passes, lots of vehicles have to wait near the rail crossing, which causes serious traffic jam at the interval of every 15 minutes as an average. Political reasons: Every day at least one or two street processions or protests occur in Dhaka because of the all-time political instability of Bangladesh. These processions slow down the traffic flow of the important streets during the peak hour.
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